How many sit ups does it take to burn 1 calorie

How many sit ups does it take to burn 1 calorie

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many sit ups does it take to burn 1 calorie”,you can compare them.

The number of sit ups it takes to burn 1 calorie depends on how fast you can do them. One minute of sit ups burns 4.8 calories. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many sit ups does it take to burn 1 calorie
How many sit ups burn 1 calorie?
one minute of sit-ups burns about 4.8 calories/minute 17500 sit-ups burns 3500 calories(1 pound)
How many calories do you burn with one sit up??
You burn 4.8 calories a minute doing sit ups.
Which one burns more Calories? Sit-ups or Crunches?
Both burn calories. ANY activity burns calories. I would not recommend sit-ups if you want to build your six pack abs. Sit-ups is bad for your back and neck (if you support it with your hands). Crunches is the best. To answer your question,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many sit ups to burn 1 calorie?
Q: How many sit ups does it take to burn one calorie?
A: i guess about 3 or 4 sit ups, it depends tho, but it usually about 3 -4 sit ups….
how many sit ups does it take to burn a calorie?
Q: i’m 16, 140pounds and 5’2″ trying to get down to 115. how many sit ups does it take to burn a single calorie? u cant go by time because people go at different speeds, so i wanted to go by number of sit ups (feet flat on the floor, hands behind head, bring head up to knees kind of sit ups). by how many does it take to burn 1 calorie? i want to make up a routine and want to be able to burn 100 calories through sit ups alone.dont say “do cardio” i AM doing cardio but i’m doing an all body workout, and i want to burn 100cals from sit ups…..u ppl get frustrating….
A: You need to do cardio exercise, get the heart rate up.
how many sit-ups do i have to do to burn 1 calorie?
Q: sit ups-push ups-
A: about 3-4. Not a good way to burn calories because the abs are a relatively thin small sheet of muscle . Better to use the big muscles in the legs hips and butt. That’s why we walk, climb, ride bikes, skate, run, jump rope and dance it off.

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