What should I do to burn 100 calories

What should I do to burn 100 calories

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What should I do to burn 100 calories”,you can compare them.

Vacuuming — 25 minutes of vacuuming around your home will burn just about 100 calories [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-to-burn-100-calories ]
More Answers to “What should I do to burn 100 calories
How to Burn 100 Calories
How to burn 100 calories. You don’t have to put on workout clothes and head to the gym for an effective calorie-burning workout. Easy ways to lose weight. Figure out how much time you have, then…
How many calories does 100 crunches burn?
Try push ups because youll be using your own body weight and wont be able to cheat while doing so. It is better then crunches and will make you sweat. Sweating is the indication of fat burning. And remember the late nights and cravings for …
What are some easy ways to burn 100 Calories?
So, I just had a snack and im feeling like I need to burn some calories. What are some quick, easy exercises that will burn 100 calories? Preferably, exercises that can be done indoors seeing as it’s dark out.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I am doing treadmill and burn 100 calories in 30 minutes. Is this fine or should I do more?
Q: I am 95 kilos in body weight and my height is 6 feet. I need to hit 80 kilos.
A: you should of burned that in about 20 minutes theres 3500 calories in 1 lb the us government says you gotta walk 5 miles everday single day and diet to lose 1 lb a week so 5 miles a day and you might lose 1lb a week if lucky
What exercises can burn 100 calories quick?
Q: I need to burn like 100 or 200 calories in like an hour or two!What are some exercises (like jumping jacks, sit ups, crunches ect) that can burn calories quickest? I’m stuck in the house right now :[ I don’t hae ANY THING except for a yoga mat. Any help??? Please!! An easy best answer!
A: Skipping with a robe is meant to be the best… do you one of those? Or use some rope? Also, hoovering!! Burns ridiculous amounts of calories…are you at home. You could just go for a jog though…
What are some easy ways to burn 100 Calories?
Q: So, I just had a snack and im feeling like I need to burn some calories. What are some quick, easy exercises that will burn 100 calories?Preferably, exercises that can be done indoors seeing as it’s dark out.
A: well, drinking four to three cups of green tea burns 80 cals if that helps(:

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