How do you get rid of inner thigh fat

How do you get rid of inner thigh fat

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid of inner thigh fat”,you can compare them.

Start with some cardio for overall fat loss. Then add some leg weight exercises for toning. ChaCha On! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of inner thigh fat
・ 1 Cut out the junk food. Eliminate processed foods, deep-fried foods, refined foods and foods that are… ・ 2 Drink more water. Water helps flush the body of impurities, and it also helps to increase metabolism… ・ 3 Eat more often. Eat …
You can’t really lose weight (I believe you are talking about fat) in one area of your body. You can work that area to get more, stronger muscle, but the fat will remain on top (ALTHOUGH, with that extra muscle there, it might look better)….
How to Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat. It’s safe to say that it has finally become common knowledge that there is no such thing as spot reduction. But that’s not a bad thing at all. By taking the right approach to ridding yourself of inner-thig…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s a good workout to get rid of inner-thigh fat?
Q: I need a good workout without using machinesor equipment to get rid of a little inner-thigh fat I accumulated during pregnancy. Also, if you have any good ideas to burn off some fat from my upper-outer thigh, please do tell.Thanks!WITHOUT using machines or workout equipment…. ?
A: If you are using portion control for food and drinking enough water then walking 3-5 miles a day is good. Get a jogger stroller if you cannot get a sitter. Lay on back with knees up, feet on floor and put a ball(basketball or $2 ball from Wal-mart)between knees and squeeze for 5 seconds and work up to 20 seconds each set. Do 5 sets. Squats are good also. Remember to do cardio along with isometrics. Cut down portions from pregnancy eating habits. Also, breathe while doing exercise and concentrate on body part you are trying to tone. Hope this helps.
how do you get rid of inner thigh fat?
Q: I am trying to lose my fat there I know I can’t so “target weight loss”, but I am basically just trying to lose weight on my thighs. So is there anyway to ger rid of this inner thigh fat?? any suggestions are appreciated.
A: I recently had knee surgery and my physical therapist has me doing a exercise that I’ve noticed that my inner thighs are looking slimmer already so this is what you need: Go to the store and by one of those balls that everybody using for dodge ball . The ones with like stars, princesses or just basic colors here’s a example what they look like: the ball between yours knees enough between your thighs so that it wont go flying when you squeeze it and basically squeeze it with your inner thigh muscles. Do 20 reps once a day and after a while if you think you can move up then do so. Hope this does it for you good luck.
How to get rid of inner thigh fat?
Q: I play soccer and i have pretty muscular legs, as well as the rest of my body. But ever since i was in like 5th grade, i have inner thigh fat. How do i get rid of it!?
A: You cannot target fat loss in specific body parts.Low calorie dieting is not sustainable, and does not work, and ultimately will make you fatter over time because it resets your metabolism at a lower rate by suppressing thyroid hormone.Low fat diets do not work either. They will make you tired, hungry, craving, and give you brain fog. They are also typically high in sugar, refined carbs, HFCS, which are all the REAL culprits in weight gain.Dietary fat does not make you fat. Sugars and refined carbs make you fat because they trigger insulin to take the sugar back out of your blood and store it as fat and cholesterol.Calories themselves are irrelevant — it is a myth. What matters is what type of calories. All sugar and refined carbs will be converted to fat.Eat lots of fresh veggies, as many organic apples as you want (conventional apples have 27 pesticides in them, and peeling them won’t help — the pesticide comes up through the roots from the ground after the rain washes it there, and into the flesh of the fruit, plus you really need the skins), some other fresh fruits, lots of legumes (beans), raw nuts and seeds, a small amount of animal protein.Get the book The 7 Principles of Fat Burning by Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. follow the ovary diet plan. It’s available at (I have it on my website, but I’d rather you buy it from amazon, so you know I’m seeking your interest, not trying to make money off of you.)If your knees or hips don’t hurt, walk every day until you can walk 90 minutes at a time with your pulse still under 120. Walking is the absolute best, most efficient fat burning exercise there is.You may also consider switching to an organic diet . . . luck to you.Respectfully,Dr. Kim

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