What is the ideal weight for someone of my height and weight

What is the ideal weight for someone of my height and weight

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More Answers to “What is the ideal weight for someone of my height and weight
What is the ideal weight for somebody my height?
67.3kg or 148# But that is just a guideline. You can be muscular and by the numbers be interpreted as overweight or obese So baiscally for a guy it is 106 for the first 5 feet then 6 pounds for each inch over 5 feet . For a woman it is 10…
What is my ideal weight for my height?
Your Question is not clear please. When you will check the given below links then you may find answer of you both questions. More over you are choosing always best answer herself of your boy friend or of your family member. You don’t have n…
Am I an ideal weight for my height?
Your BMI is 23.1 which is within the normal range.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a ideal height weight for running?
Q: I was wondering if there is a ideal height and weight that will allow you to get the most out of running. I am 6 feet 2 inches and weigh 170,. I can’t seem to do that great no matter how much I train. I can do a 5k in around 22 minutes, but I can’t seem to get my time down. Is it because I am not cut out for it? should I just do a different sport for my last year of highschool or should I just stick with it?
A: There is no ideal height or weight. Most of the sub-4 milers have been about your height (maybe just a tad shorter).However, genetics play a critical role — the best thing anybody can do to be a great distance runner is to choose their parents wisely. You can take almost anybody and train him to be a sub-4-hour marathoner, but only the cream of the genetic crop are going to run it under three hours.Force of will, after a certain point, plays only a small role.You can, however, improve your time with dogged effort, but your 5K time is not good for this stage in your career. It may not be the best race for you. Speed work certainly should help, but I think a lot of coaches like too much speed work at the expense of much needed continuous aerobic running (CAR).I don’t know how far you are running in practice, but my senior year was peppered with lots of 10-mile runs (striving to finish in an hour). Lots of times my last mile came in under five minutes. In cross country, in those days, we ran 2.5 miles. When I made the switch to the five-mile race at college I hardly took notice. Five mile races were no harder than the 2.5s. How’s your half-marathon time? How many miles will you average a day this summer. There is no substitute for getting out on the road and getting in some miles.That said, is running something you enjoy? If you don’t enjoy it, why do you run?
What is the ideal weight for someone my height? I am 4’10 and large frame?
Q: I am 4’10 and considered a large frame, what is the ideal weight for someone my height. Thank you.
A: large frame? u mean fat? sorry but not sure what u mean, overweight people often think they just have a “large frame”, but please dont use that as an excuse. I guess i know what u mean but even people with larger builds can be thin.( now u and other overweight women r gunna thumbs down me )but an ideal weight for someone only 4’10” would be around 100-115lbs, probably even less
ideal human height weight proportion with weight in kilograms and height in feet?
Q: i want to know what is the ideal weight according to the height to know whether a person is fit or obese
A: Here’s a site for a BMI (Body Mass Index calculator) you put in your info and it should tell you what you need to know:http://www.weight-loss-institute.com/bmi_calculator.htm

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