Does cellulite go away when you loose weight

Does cellulite go away when you loose weight

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does cellulite go away when you loose weight”,you can compare them.

Losing weight is considered to be of assistance in reducing cellulite; but it may not remove it entirely. Try aloe-vera cream. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does cellulite go away when you loose weight
Will cellulite go away while loosing weight? If not, how can I ge…?
Not really. You need to change your diet and learn more about the foods and vitamins that help break down cellulite and keep your fat cells healthy.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will cellulite go away while loosing weight? If not, how can I get rid of it?
Q: I am 18 years old (female) and have been really overweight. I’ve been spending a lot of time in the gym and stuff and have lost 11kg’s so far, I have about 13 more to loose. Will some of the cellulite go away when I come closer to my goal weight? I have cellulite only on my thighs. If not, any tip to get rid of it?
A: Not really. You need to change your diet and learn more about the foods and vitamins that help break down cellulite and keep your fat cells healthy.
If I loose weight will some or most of my cellulite go away?
Q: I gained 70 lbs when I was pregnant and have managed to keep it on for 2 1/2 years. Now I’m ready to loose it all. I’m not expecting for all of my cellulite to go away, I had a little when I was thin, but will most of it go away or at lease half???
A: First try dieting and doing lots of cardio a few times a week. If that doesn’t work use this cream to get rid of it
if i loose weight will my cellulite go away too?
A: no, you can’t get rid of cellulite. Sorry.But if you’re worried bout it you should exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, dry body brush, eat healthy etc. so you don’t get more

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