Do ab lounges work

Do ab lounges work

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do ab lounges work”,you can compare them.

The AB Lounge tightens abs in less time then it would take without it, but it will take time before benefits are seen. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do ab lounges work
Do ab lounges work?
You won’t see abs untill you burn off all that belly fat that is covering them so if you just use the ab lounge and have belly fat over your abs you will strengthen your abs but you won’t see them I would suggest biking, running, swimming, …
Do ab lounges really work?
I’m going to take an opposing view from the other responders. I’ve used the ab lounge for a number of years now. What I like about it? ・ 1) Easy to use ・ 2) Very quick, and when i’m done, my abs are “burning” ・ 3) I’m not pul…
Does the Ab lounge work?
no it’s a waste of money do regular ab movements on the floor w/ cables and weights

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Do ab lounges work???
Q: I bought an ab lounge and i am wondering if they actually work. Also could you give me a workout chart to maximize my results? Thank You
A: You won’t see abs untill you burn off all that belly fat that is covering them so if you just use the ab lounge and have belly fat over your abs you will strengthen your abs but you won’t see them I would suggest biking, running, swimming, and jump roping to burn belly fat
What the differences in the ab lounges they are selling now?
Q: Please help, i need to buy one asap, but i am lost as to what’s the differences, I tried researching it, but really, is the ab lounge 2 the blue one or the black? any infomration on which is the best product would be of help tnx.Do they really work
A: Don’t buy an Ab Lounge. They are a waste of money. You do not need a single piece of equipment to effectively work the abdominal muscles. Though a Swiss Ball is a good investment, and they only cost about 10-20 dollars. Here is a list of ab exercises that can be done with no equipment.

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