What is a good poem about people who have and died from cancer

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One cancer poem is FAREWELL TO HAIR by Terri Hanson. This poem is from a book of such poems called the “The Cancer Poetry Project” by Karin B. Miller. This book contains poems written by cancer patients, as well as by family members and friends. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-poem-about-people-who-have-and-died-from-cancer ]
More Answers to “What is a good poem about people who have and died from cancer
What is a good poem about people who have and died from cancer?
One cancer poem is FAREWELL TO HAIR by Terri Hanson. This poem is from a book of such poems called the “The Cancer Poetry Project” by Karin B. Miller. This book contains poems written by cancer patients, as well as by family membe…

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Q: This is for my thesis for catcher in the rye.I’m really busy at the moment, and I just remembered that I have this to do.The people who have deep, close relations to Holden can care for Holden’s insecurity. Through Holden’s beliefs of what is happiness, they are the ones who can help open his eyes to see reality, and become secure like he was before.One cause of his insecurity is when his brother Allie died of leukemia. From Holden’s descriptions, Allie wrote poems about his baseball mitt, so that he would read them while waiting for someone to bat. Holden also mentioned that he was the most intelligent member in his family, and everyone enjoyed being with him. After Allie passed away, Holden, about to tee off his golf ball, had seen an image of him by a fence, and later, Holden was psychoanalyzed for trying to break all of the windows in his garage until his hand hurt:I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. I even tried to break all the windows on the station wagon we had that summer, but my hand was already broken…(Salinger 38-39)Holden then became insecure, because Allie was very smart and a person Holden liked being with. But since he died of cancer, all the time being with him was wasted. However, Holden’s loss of his true friend, when can be compensated when he gets to see Jane and Phoebe, similar to Allie, after he drops out of Pencey School.Holden can get his security back with Jane. Ever since they were little, they knew each other. They met when Jane’s Doberman pinscher urinated on his lawn, and Holden came to check out who’s dog it was, and found Jane laying by her swimming pool. After that, they got to know each deeper, and knew each other so well that they played checkers with each other, and Holden knew where she put her kings. Also, Holden can also feel good from Jane; he talked necked with Jane, when she was crying about her dad, Mr. Cudahy, a “booze hound”, while they were playing checkers. Also, Holden liked the way how Jane put her hand on his neck, during a movie, and said that it was, “so pretty it just about kills you “ (Sallinger 80). Similar to Holden’s brother Allie, Holden says that Phoebe is a very little young girl who is very intelligent. To Holden, Phoebe is a smart intelligent child who is very appealing, compared to Stradlater, who is a big, stupid jerk that he hates. Also, she’s a fanatic of movies, that Holden and DB took her to see ten times, which they thought was cute of her to never get tired of movies. And Holden liked it when Allie and Holden had a general conversation with each other and Phoebe interrupted, for example, “Who? Who said that? Bobby or the lady? (Sallinger 68)”. Then, they would just continue on with the conversation. Holden wanted to call her up when he just got out of the subway from Pencey School, but was too shy to.The people closest around him can bring back Holden’s security. Their traits, such as being pretty, intelligent, which is what he needs to realize what’s good in the world, and become secure again. Holden became insecure when his closest people around him died, but they are also the ones who can help him become secure again.
A: Yep! I will. Give me about 15 mintues and then I will edit into my responseEdit: Ok I am haveing a really hard time following your paper. So I want you to make some changes before I edit it. They are simple, and will help you to be more clear- First it looks like the main person that you are talking about is a guy named Holden. I want you to write the introduction paragaph explaing who he is –1 to 3 sentences- Then it looks like Holden has had some major emotional changes. I want you to explain in one paragraph how it was at the begging, then how he changed for the worse. don’t explain the reasons he became worse yet, just explain his behavior.- Third. lead to the reasons that he might have started to change emotionally. In one pargraph explain how he lost his friend, and the emtional triggers that he faced.-Fourth Then explain the other friend, and the negative emotiopnal tirggers that he also faced ( you kinda got this just has to be more polished)-Five: explain new people or ways in how he has coped with these negative circumstancesonce you have these re post it, and I will edit it agian
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