Why is my period blood brown

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is my period blood brown”,you can compare them.

The darker the blood signals it is old and you could be at the end of your period. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-my-period-blood-brown ]
More Answers to “Why is my period blood brown
Why is my period blood brown?
read below about first period and vaginal discharge
Brown tinted blood- no period- am I pregnant??
Yes, it is possible to bleed and still be pregnant, but technically speaking it’s not your period, but rather implantation bleeding. As always, the only way to know is to take the test!
What does brown period blood mean?
Periods DOn’t worry, it’s not unusual on early / late days of the cycle, but if you feel there is anything unusual, the best idea is to go to a family planning / sexual health clinic because they are there to allay your fears and it’s never…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why is my period blood brown instead of red?
Q: i am on my period and instead of it being the usual red blood it is brown. why is it brown? is this normal? the flow is normal and it doesnt smell any different.
A: red blood is “fresh”. The brown blood has just been pooling in your uterus or vagina for a while. It usually turns browner towards the end of your period. As long as it doesn’t smell bad and it comes at the end of your cycle, it’s perfectly normal.
Why is my period blood brown?
Q: I have just gotten my period, and the blood isnt red. Is it normal to be brown? I dont know its weird. Im not panicking…yet. I just want some answers. Help!
A: it’s old blood. blood has hemoglobin in it which makes it like to stick to things and sometimes it doesn’t all come out right away. orgasms cause contractions of the walls of the uterus which can help it shed it’s lining, and they also help relieve pre-menstraul cramping. ask your ob/gyn next time you visit.
Why is my period brown blood?
Q: Hey, im 17 years old, im on birth control and im on time for my period. but my period is brown. ive heard of spotting brown but not a full period of brown. i know its ‘old blood’ but why is my whole period brown? i am sexually active. but its only about one or two times a month.whats wrong!
A: Nothing’s wrong. Sometimes, the blood just gets “old” – I have periods like this sometimes. Just won’t worry about it.
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