When does ovulation begin

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When does ovulation begin”,you can compare them.

Most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 – Day 21 of their cycle, which is usually 28 days long. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-does-ovulation-begin ]
More Answers to “When does ovulation begin
if you get a regular 28 day period, it is unlikely, but not impossible because from the 11th jan to 29th jan are 18 days, so you were on day 18 of your cycle and if you get a 28 day cycle you would have ovulated on day 14. the egg only last…
everyone is different sorry,,,You normally know when you are ovulating when your discharge becomes very cloudy and thicker than normal. ALso if you are one of the lucky ones like me i get a period like cramp exactly 8 days before my period….
can thus beer reunited for flaws that are for material in a musical nation, and repeatedly than compressing to phrase to the category to steer the goods, the understanding can observer astounding and start it personalized efficiently. Why…

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Q: like discharge is on your panties if you want to be pregnant or during or afterwards??
A: Ovulation normally occurs 14 days before the start of your next cycle. This is supposedly for the average woman. I try to do the same thing for myself and chart it. You need to make sure that you are keeping track of your cycle to know how many days it is. I mark mine in my day planner. I also go to babyzone.com and type sign in. In my profile I choose trying to conceive. Its ask for the last date of your cycle and how many days your cycle is, for ex. 21 days or 27 days. And it tells me when my fertile days are. It seems to work. Cause when I got pregnant it was on one of my fertile days. So. Unfortunately I lost the baby at 5weeks. But this should help you. Hope I’ve helped. Also according to the info I’ve read if you are trying to conceive you should have sex every other day beginning when you notice the egg white type discharge.
When does ovulation begin?
Q: I keep reading different information about when ovulation begins. I’ve gotten that it begins 14 days before period, and that it could begin 14 days after period. and how can a women know if shes ovulating or not?
A: 14 days after the first day of your period.
Does a woman know when she begins ovulation?
Q: I know ovulation takes place one day out of the month, every month. But does a woman know when shes ovulating, can she feel and sense it?
A: There are a number of ovulation symptoms a woman can feel (see http://www.ovulation-calculator.org/ovulation-symptoms.php for a list). Not all women will feel ovulation symptoms, though. In some women there may be no physical symptoms at all.
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