When do you ovulate, before, during or after your period

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Most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 – Day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of the Last Menstrual Period. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-do-you-ovulate%2C-before%2C-during-or-after-your-period ]
More Answers to “When do you ovulate, before, during or after your period
Do you ovulate before during or after your period?
Count the first day of your period as day 1 then anywhere between days 10-15 you can be ovulating. So obviously depending on where you are in your cycle it is on average 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your period. You don’t ovulate during …
When does ovulation occur? during before or after the period??
It was bothering me, so I looked it up: Tracking Ovulation: A woman’s monthly cycle is measured from the first day of her menstrual period until the first day of her next period. On average, a woman’s cycle normally is between 28-32 days, b…
What happens to your basel body temp during ovulation after ovula…?
Basal Body temp usually follows this pattern: Period to ovulation-lower temps. Usually below 97.5. Sometimes (and I use this very lightly) women have a temp dip right before ovulation (many do not, though, so don’t go by this). The day afte…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you ovulate before during or after your period??
A: Count the first day of your period as day 1 then anywhere between days 10-15 you can be ovulating. So obviously depending on where you are in your cycle it is on average 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your period. You don’t ovulate during your period. Hope this helps?
Are you ovulating when it is two days before, during, and two days after your period?
Q: What is the ovulating cycle?
A: The ovulating cycle (If you have regular periods) is usually on the 14th day out of 28. If your time between periods is different I would think it would be half way (ex: 26 days- day 13, 30 days- day 15…)
how many days does a woman ovulate?When did you get preggo by having sex before after or during your period?
A: I think this question is on the wrong thread.But anyway, to answer your question; I have to clarify from you or your girl if you know your cycles. It is important. When you belong to normal period or abnormal period? Normally, women who belongs to the cycles from 24 days up to 28 days cycles shall have only 10 days fertility period for the monthly. For instance; your menstrual period started last December 01, and lasted last Dec. 5th, your fertility period shall be from Dec. 9 up to Dec. 19. Entercourse during the days from Dec. 01 up to Dec. 8 are safe because no ovulation occur due to unfertility period of the woman. Sexual entercourse on any day from Dec 9 up to Dec 19 have great chance to pregancy because of fertility period. This is method applies only for normal women whose period is normal cycles.If a woman whose cycles takes longer that this range (24-28days) then this method is not applicable. It is advised to the couples to use extra conraception to avoid pregnacy.Remember this method is not 100% accurate.
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