Do you bleed if you have a miscarriage

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Bleeding and pain is often the first sign of a miscarriage. First-trimester bleeding may also occur with a normal pregnancy. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you bleed if you have a miscarriage
Do you have to bleed to have a misscarriage?
NO, you could have a missed miscarriage. Basically the baby dies and your body doesn’t realize it. I had one last summer. I should have been 17-18weeks they couldn’t find the heart beat. found out later that the baby had died at 8weeks I ha…
How long will I bleed after a miscarriage?
sounds like they may have to do the d and c now something is not letting you completely finish with miscarriage… either that or something may be causing the added bleeding and the miscarriage is just around the same time.. get checked for…
When you have a miscarriage do you always bleed?
Yes you always bleed when you have a miscarriage. I had one about 9 years ago, and there are alot more signs of a miscarrige. With mine it was nose bleeds, constant off and on bleeding, back and abdominal cramping and there are more than th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

After a miscarriage bleed can you get pregnant even though you haven’t bled since that?
Q: I had a miscarriage in January and bled for a few days. I did have sex after the bleeding stopped. I was wondering if you can get pregnant even though you haven’t bled since the miscarriage.I thought you had to have a period after a miscarriage to be able to get pregnant again? Am i wrong.
A: Most doctors and midwives would suggest that you wait for a few periods before trying to get pregnant. But if you ovulate in the cycle immediately after miscarrying, yes you could get pregnant. Not everyone will ovulate right away (and some people will take several cycles before they start ovulating again after a miscarriage).
How long will I bleed after a miscarriage?
Q: I miscarried my baby 3 days ago. I was approximately 10 weeks along in my pregnancy. It was a complete abortion. (I had an ultrasound to check). Doctor said I had some tissue left (of course), so that would come out by itsself. I forgot to ask him how long I would bleed after a miscarriage though. Please only answer if you DO happen to know or have gone through a miscarriage yourself. Thanks.
A: Sorry Im A Guy But Maybe This Info May Be Helpful Trying To Help)
What is a normal amount of time to bleed after a miscarriage?
Q: My period was suppose to come on monday but didnt. I took a test and it came back positive…i was pregnant. But i went to the hospital yesterday (friday) with bleeding. I was told that i had a miscarriage…but today(saturday) i didnt bleed at all. I havent bled since 11:30 friday night. They checked my HCG levels while i was in the hospital and it was 8.2 so what could be wrong? Is it normal to bleed for only one day?
A: I bled for about 6 weeks after miscarrying and throughout this time I was going for weekly blood tests to ensure my HCG levels were returning to normal (I don’t recall what normal is)….if all of the tissue is not expelled then a D&C may be required. I do know others who did not bleed for anywhere near 6 weeks, but one day seems awfully short. You should contact your doctor just to be safe.
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