Can your navel hurt when your pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can your navel hurt when your pregnant”,you can compare them.

Yes, navel discomfort is normal. Though some aching and pressure is expected, if you feel any sharp,strong pain, consult a doctor. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can your navel hurt when your pregnant
What does it mean,when a pregnant female navel hurts (Help)??
This can be caused from the stretching of the skin on your abdomen or it can be a muscular issue. A stretched belly can also exacerbate an umbilical hernia. Belly button pain and symptoms, such as coughing, can be signs of an umbilical hern…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean,when a pregnant female navel hurts (Help)?
A: This can be caused from the stretching of the skin on your abdomen or it can be a muscular issue. A stretched belly can also exacerbate an umbilical hernia. Belly button pain and symptoms, such as coughing, can be signs of an umbilical hernia. Such issues should be checked with your doctor. Always report pain to your doctor or midwife, but normally this is just from the stretching. Don’t worry too much!it’s what happens when the tummy grows. It’s not easy to ease the pain, but warm baths can definitely help.It’s also normal for the skin around the navel to become dry and itchy sometimes too!
My wife is 35 weeks and 3 days pregnant she have been complaining her navel hurts is that sign she about?
Q: to have the baby soon.
A: It could be hurting from all the stretching since the baby is growing so fast now..
i’m pregnant and it hurts on both sides of my navel when i press it?
Q: my stomach also feels like i have to have a bowel movement but then it goes away and when i drink something it feels like my period is comingi’m 5 weeks
A: I can’t help but say…”don’t press it”. :)On a more serious note, see your doctor if your symptoms continue or worsen. Depending on the gestational age, he/she may have some suggestions. Good Luck!!!!
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