Can I go in the pool with my period with out a tampon

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If you are swimming somewhere that a bit of blood staining the water won’t get noticed you don’t have to wear a pad or tampon. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can I go in the pool with my period with out a tampon
Can I go in the pool on my period without a tampon??
This is not a good idea. With potential health concerns to others and embarrasment for yourself at stake, this is not a good idea.
Is it okay to go in a pool during your period, no tampon??
ya its fine for ur health. its not bad for u or anything. just make sure that ur not having a heavy flow when u do that or there will be a stream of blood behind happened to me = [
Is it possible to go in the pool on your period without a tampon??
Wow, that must be one filthy pool, if they think it’s ok to go in without a tampon. For your information, your period is made up of blood and other tissues that your body no longer requires, so it is excreted. That is called human body wast…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it really safe to go into the pool with your period with a tampon?
Q: I haven’t done this before, but I’m planning on going to the pool tomorrow. If I wear a tampon, is it really safe? I don’t want anyone to be swimming in a bloody pool.
A: Should be safe unless you have outrageously heavy periods. Just be sure to put a fresh one in just before going in the pool and don’t make it a really long swim (probably best not to stay in more than an hour or so). Then change it when you get out of the pool. It’s very likely the tampon will enlarge with pool water as well as….ahh…what it’s there for, so you may feel uncomfortable until you change it (after it’s swollen).
Is it okay to go into the pool when I have my period with out a tampon ?
A: It’s okay…if it’s your pool and your swimming my yourself…i mean if you think about’s kinda gross. If you are toward the end of the period use a light tampon…but just try to put yourself in someone else’s position…would you want someone else to be in the same pool as you not wearing a tampon??
Is it possible to go in the pool on your period without a tampon?
Q: Ok, well it was that time of the month. I was going to my friend’s house to go swimming, and I told her I couldn’t swim now and she said, “just wear a thin pad. Nothing will come out until you get out of the water and the pad won’t come off. Should I give this a try? And I refuse to wear tampons. So, should I go in or not?
A: Wow, that must be one filthy pool, if they think it’s ok to go in without a tampon. For your information, your period is made up of blood and other tissues that your body no longer requires, so it is excreted. That is called human body waste. It is a bio-hazard and a contaminate.Since your friend said it’s okay, I’m willing to bet that she’s not the one who has to buy the chemicals to maintain the pool. They’re not cheap. Do the pool owners a favor and bring some chlorine tablets with you. After all, if it’s okay to free flow in their pool, then you just KNOW that someone will be peeing in there, too. Pee isn’t nearly as unsanitary as your period.So, have fun. And if you accidentally swallow some pool water, call it karma.
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