What is a pulmonary infiltrate? If pulmonary infiltrates show up in a chest x-ray, what does this mean?

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The patient is otherwise fine – no fever, no loss of appetite, no discomfort, no lethargy, no weakness. Mucus from a cough revealed some blood. A very bad throat from drinking water from an unsafe source lead to a short spell of a few days when she lost her voice, but that is fine now.
More Answers to “What is a pulmonary infiltrate? If pulmonary infiltrates show up in a chest x-ray, what does this mean?
something in her lungs. Maybe she aspirated on something she drank/ate. Pneumonia Pulmonary infiltrate is just some “junk” in da lungs. So, think about some pneumonia, or a parasite. Look at blood panel with a differential.
a pulmonary infiltrate is a descriptive term used by radiologists to describe a density in the lungs that normally shouldn’t be there, and usually refers to a focus of infection. Depending on the location of the infiltrates, its character, its distribution pattern, etc., the radiologist can make rather intelligent assumptions about what type of infection it is e.g. bacterial, viral, fungal, or TB. A pulmonary infiltrate is basically what it sounds like. Something that has gotten in to the lungsn from the outside. Any abnormal density will show up in the otherwise air filled lungs. Usually the infiltrate will mean pneumonia, or some sort of infection with edema/swelling that is in the lung. You could also have a cancer for instance that would cause pleural/lung fluid build up that would be considered an infiltrate.
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