Whiskey Jacques: Leading Night Club in Ketchum, Idaho

Nightlife in Ketchum Idaho seems so amazing! I have only been there once, but it was enough to make me keep wanting to come back more and more. I didn’t think I was going to enjoy myself at Whiskey Jacques. It looked really crowded and loud. I listened to my boyfriend and agreed to go inside.

The cover charge was only $5 a person, which I was surprised about because it’s such a rich town. So we paid the door man, got a Sun Valley stamp on our hands and headed in. As I suspected it was a little crowded, but I realized that it wasn’t any more crowded than my local bars on a busy night.

Pushing and weaving we found our way to the bar and managed to secure ourselves some stools. Not an easy task in any busy bar late at night. There was this awesome painting behind the bar where we were sitting that just caught my attention. The painting is an old Western with men walking around with rifles and standing around, and the women are just standing around. The whole town gives off a feel of the old Western times. Especially after eating at the Pioneer Saloon before heading to Whiskey Jacques but that’s another review.

The all time winner that just made my night at Whiskey Jacques was the Live Band!!! Yes live music and drinks for only a $5 cover charge crazy I know. Though I had never heard of the band Dallas Alice, I was blown away. They consider themselves a Rock-n-Roll band with a touch of Country who are from Louisville, KY. They do their own renditions of other song which in my opinion are really good, and they write their own songs. The songs performed that they wrote themselves were actually totally awesome. I loved their music and would have never heard of them if I hadn’t stumbled into Whiskey Jacques.

The drinks were a little pricy but well worth it. I had Captain Morgan and Coke for $5-6, and my companion had a Stella beer which was $4-5. Sorry I can’t remember the exact price because in all the fun I was having didn’t think to ask or add it up. So yes the prices are a slight guesstimate but very close to the actual price. I’m telling you this place is totally fun. The have a good size dance floor, two bars, a private upstairs you can rent, live music (you can check their calendar), food, and games/pool tables. When I do go back to Ketchum Idaho you can bet to find me at Whiskey Jacques again. I rate them 5 out of 5 stars.

Source: Personal Opinion/ Experience

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