What Constitutes a Planet

In the XXVIth general assembly held August 14th through August 25th, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic, the main topic for discussion was to propose to adopt a formal definition of a planet. During the assembly the text of the definition evolved and dissolved many times reaching a final declaration and definition which states, “A planet is a body that orbits a sun, is large enough for its own gravity to make it round, and has “cleared its neighborhood” of smaller objects.”

While many scientists accept this definition for lack of another, to date it does not resolve all controversies and many in the astronomical community reject it outright.

While I concur with most of the IAU’s definition, it lacks the most important fundamental element. Without the last piece of the equation according to my theory a planet is not a planet unless……..

First let us examine our own planet.

Since we consider our Earth to be a planet, we must observe our own makeup, dig in our very own back yard and consider strongly the claims we make about our very own home, in order to classify others. We must compare our own planet to the other bodies of our solar system and all other solar systems throughout our galaxy, for if they have the same characteristics of our planet, they must be considered a planet.

These are the hard scientific facts about our Earth: Our planet orbits a sun, is large enough for its own gravity to make it round, has cleared its neighborhood of smaller objects and has a molten core.

The International Astronomical Union’s definition concerning the Earth’s orbit around a sun, it’s own gravity to make itself round and clearing its neighborhood of smaller objects are consequential, but the definition is not complete, there is no discussion about the core and how fundamentally important it is. There is much controversy concerning how the Earth’s core came about. Logic dictates there must be an object in the center of this molten core emitting this enormous heat, melting everything around it. We know our core continuously emits an enormous amount of heat, light, radiation and energy of itself, by itself, but what is this object or mass? Why is the Earth’s core hot? How did it get hot? Why does it not extinguish? The core has many known and unknown elements. It is the unknown elements in the innermost core that keep the furnace blazing. The innermost core emmiting the heat melting everything in its close proximity is surrounded by approximately twelve thousand miles of land and ocean in all directions. A fire should go out if it has no oxygen feeding it. The earth’s core should not be hot but it is. It should have exhausted itself a millennia ago, but it hasn’t. If our Earth is four billion years old or older what kind of material known to man can emit heat, light, radiation and energy of itself by itrself for billions of years without burning itself out? No material the human race knows about.

Next, let us examine our sun.

Our sun stays ignited, emits continual heat, light, radiation and energy of itself by itself, similar to a clump of coal. When a coal is lit it stays on, emits heat, light and energy by itself, of itself, till it burns itself out. Everyone knows the sun is not made of coal, but the sequential results are the same. Ignitable material, ignited, burning, till it burns itself out. The known and unknown elements a star is formed of, I nomenclature “Star Material”. A star is an oversized rock composed of a vast collection and combination of known and unknown elements and substances that when triggered by a massive explosion it ignites and stays ignited generating heat, light, radiation and energy of itself by itself, till it burns itself out a few years or a few billion years later. Similarly, a clump of coal once lit, even for a short while, stays on by itself of itself till it burns itself out.

The Earth’s core is “Star Material” or a miniature sun, consequently, it stays emitting heat, light, radiation and energy for millions or billions of years of itself by itself. However long a life, or however long our core will stay ignited, no one knows. Nothing short of the hand of God and or a few more billion years will make the earth’s core grow cold. Like a Sun, it is “Star Material.”

In conclusion, my definition of a planet is a body that orbits a sun, is large enough for its own gravity to make itself round, has “cleared its neighborhood” of smaller objects and has “Star Material” at its core.

The current scientific theory about how the Earth’s core first became hot is, large boulders flying haphazardly through space smashed into themselves and because of such great impact ignited themselves and stayed ignited ever since, but to stay ignited a few billion years because of rocks smashing into each other? Even great comets and meteors smashing into themselves, will not ignite and stay ignited for any period of time before they are snuffed out if they are not “Star Material”. Only if the rocks were of “Star Material” could this theory be possible, but I say even a head on collision is not enough to ignite “Star Material”. It is like the atom bomb, it takes a bomb to ignite a bigger bomb. Currently, this theory of rocks smashing into each other, for lack of another, is written and seen in our own television, is in our astronomy books and it will stay there if no one contests it.

Therefore, I contest the current theory concerning what the earth’s core is made of and how it began. My theory is, the Earth’s core is a piece of “Star Material” which is a piece of a sun, thus, being a piece of a sun, was always and has always been ignited since the beginning big bang. The proof is in our Earth, it is over four billion years old and the core is still radiating heat and energy, just like our sun and every other star, which of course is also “Star Material”.

The big bang theory:

At the beginning, there were several big bangs not just one. Masses and masses and more masses, of “Star Material”, inert matter, all other elements, and all substances known and unknown to mankind, were all clumped together in several different quadrants of the universe, like overfilled gun powder kegs on different ships eagerly waiting for the fuses to be lit. All trumpets at attention waiting for the command to hail a new beginning, the command was given, all trumpets blew in unison, simultaneously the explosions occurred, what a marvelous wonder, “Star Material,” and all elements ignited. Unimaginable, awesome and magnificent is the birth and beginning formation of our known universe. Billions and billions of every size “Star Material,” inert matter, microscopic, tiny, small, in-between pieces, all different sizes and dimensions, traveling throughout space searching, staking new territory making it their new home area. There exists too much matter in the universe for one big bang. I hypothesize there were several big bangs per galaxy, which would account for the countless galaxies of all shapes and sizes and the billions and billions of stars and nebulas formed throughout the universe. The larger “Star Material” we call stars or suns, the smaller “Star Material”, which is already ignited, begins the forming of a planet. It gets caught in the gravitational pull of the larger “Star Material”, initializes its orbit, starts clearing its neighborhood of smaller inert material and starts forming itself round by spinning and colliding with all smaller objects in its path, melting, melding, fusing them to itself as it keeps compressing everything unto itself by its own formidable gravitational and magnetic pull. The formidable heat of the small “Star Material” begins to be contained as it increasingly gathers more objects than it can melt. The outer side starts to cool, because the core can no longer emanate enough heat to penetrate the cooled outer side and forms a crust.

The molten liquid minerals under the crust must create and excrete gasses, similar to a modern oil refinery refining crude oil creating gasses that must vent out or the boiler will explode, the core necessarily creates vents in the crust to release the mounted gas, venting as it must, we call volcanos, or eruptions of earth that become mountains, emit molten objects and gasses which is mainly melted minerals that as they cool outside of the begining crust form into gold, silver, copper, iron, lava, earth, methane, hydrogen and other forms of gasses, forming more and more layers of land and simultaneously begining the formation of our magnetic sphere and atmosphere. The small “Star Material” inside of our planet is now growing, forming and reforming itself into a new planet. Only by having a hot core is this possible, only by having a hot core can a planet produce an atmosphere as we know it to sustain life, human life and only a hot core can create rain and all minerals possible. Without a hot core it is impossible to create rain.

Consider Mars, it once had a hot core and was a thriving planet. Its core is now cold or mostly snuffed out, a planet no more.

A rock the size of Earth, Mars or Jupiter or a rock the size of our moon without a hot core is just a big rock. On the other hand, a rock the size of Earth, Mars or Jupiter or even the small size of our moon with a hot core orbiting a sun or orbiting a planet orbiting a sun, must be considered a planet. With a hot core even a tiny planet the size of our moon may in time support human life as we know it.

Our universe is a constant. What is true here must be true there, wherever in the universe, unless proven otherwise. My theory concerning our Earth’s core is correct. Our Earth’s core is a small piece of “Star Material,” a miniature “Sun” therefore, all planets of our known universe are and must be the same.

No hot core, no atmosphere to sustain life, atmosphere yes, but, not to sustain human life. No hot core, no rain, no rain, no water, no life.

No Hot Core No Planet.

A planet must have a piece of “Star Material” at its core to nomenclature it a PLANET.

There are many, many, other reasons a planet must have a hot core. I will continue in the next chapter.

Thank you for reading my theory concerning what constitutes a planet. Everything is based on scientific fact.

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