Voting ID OK?

Voting is one of the rights we Americans should take seriously. It is one of the most powerful and effective nonviolent means for all citizens of America to express favor or displeasure in the way our government and its representatives go about the business of governing. If your one vote wasn’t so powerful, do you think that there would be so much money spent trying to sway your decision? It is because of this power that your vote should be protected from fraud.

Having a valid picture ID from a recognized government agency to present to an election official is one way to protect your vote and the outcome of the election for which you are casting your vote from fraud. I have heard and seen protests against this kind of protection and have wondered why these people don’t want their vote protected.

Instead of the knee-jerk reaction protests–the favorite weapon of the “victim”, or at least the ones who enjoy playing the victim–the kind of reaction expected by the writers of the laws of protection, instead use their ideas to insure that all Americans can legally cast a vote. Instead of whining and playing the conspiracy card, which it very well may be, take time to think the problem out and come to a solution that helps ensure all American citizens that the election is as free from fraud as humanly possible.

If you live in one of the states that have passed a law requiring voter identification with a photo ID, demand that these IDs are free of charge. That is, if it’s a state ID required, not a driver’s license, it must be offered free to all U.S. citizens that live in the state. If it is not free, readily available to all U.S. citizens, in that state, and it is a requirement to vote, that constitutes an illegal poll tax and a real assault on voters’ constitutional rights. It is this kind of an assault that demands a well- thought-out, organized nonviolent action.

Make those responsible for presenting this idea for this law, pass it with stipulation of a free and readily available ID and turn an idea with bad intentions into an idea that protects all Americans’ right to vote and to have a fraud free election.

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