Thundershirts for Dogs

Thundershirs are specifically made to calm the 23 million dogs in the U.S. that suffer from anxiety or fear issues. If your dog runs and hides whenever thunder pounds its way across your neighborhood sky, or shivers when you or your neighbor starts up the lawn mower, then these dog shirts may be the relief you are looking for. A cowering, whimpering or snapping dog is not comfortable and neither is the owner!

Dr. Temple Grandin, Ph.D., has stated that pressure has a calming effect on the nervous system. This pressure method has been used for many years by professionals such as behavioral therapists, doctors, psychiatrists or psychologists to help patients suffering from anxiety or autism. Hospitals routinely keep new born infants cuddled in blankets. It has also been used on all kinds of animals by veterinarians, zookeepers, dog or other animal trainers.

The dog shirt is worn around the chest and belly of your pet giving gentle and constant pressure. This pressure provides reassurance like a warm hug and has a dramatic calming effect for most dogs. The Thundershirt treats the dog’s anxiety and fear issues. It is simple to put on. Just wrap it around the dog’s chest and around the belly and secure the wrap with Velcro. It is soft, lightweight, breathable and washable. It can be used for thunder storms or other noises, crating, travel, socializing or barking. No training for the dog is necessary although the owner may want to introduce the item to the dog before use to alleviate unnecessary anxiety about something new being worn by the dog. A change in behavior may be immediate or it may take 2-3 uses for the results to show, so give the shirt a little time to work. You can even put the garment on for short periods of time to acclimate your dog to its being worn.

Also, the owner should take note of his or her own anxiety when dressing the dog with the Thundershirt. After all, the owner’s anxiety level will be transmitted to the dog and may defeat the purpose if the owner’s level of anxiety is high!

The wrap around shirt provides the first real option for owners to buy a product that gives their dog comfort from their anxiety or fearfulness. Although the price has recently increased by a few dollars, It can still be bought at a reasonable price increasing the availability for more people to provide that needed comfort and calm to their pets. Because of its favorable price, this shirt is changing the behavior of thousands of dogs.

The Thundershirt can be used as part of a training program behavior modification. With its calming effect, the shirt is also being used to help calm over-excitement or hyperactivity experienced when leashing the dog or socializing him to people or other dogs.

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