The Sea

A former friend

Power without end

To its shore I descend,

I see the sea.

Crashing waves touch my soul

Furies attack the shoal

No one knows its death toll,

I see the sea.

With sharp and slicing skill

It devours with hectic thrill

As it goes in for the kill,

I see the sea.

A foe-the tempestuous shore;

Not a friend-not anymore.

A rocky precipice, I abhor,

I see the sea.

As I lay awake upon my bed

Tear soaked pillow beneath my head

Battered soul not to be comforted,

I see the sea.

Tears of many-far and near

For two whom many held dear

A river of recall does appear,

I see the sea.

No more dark, angry wave

No loss alone to brave

Communal grief does save,

I see the sea.

Cut short but lived to the full

The two whose memory does pull

And soared on wings as a gull,

I see the sea.

We shall never forget

The ever fun-loving duet

But be always in their debt,

I see the sea.

For they made the pledge

To live always on the edge

Due to this, I allege,

They went to see the sea.

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