Self Care for the Modern Mommy

Who is taking care of you as you manage the household, pack the children’s lunches, attend to all your child’s needs and manage their tantrums? Self-care includes not only taking time away from your children, but also finding support, attending to your emotional needs, and simplifying daily life and chores. Moms who practice self-care are physically, emotionally and socially healthier, and help instill the importance of self-care to their children.

Below are tips on self-care for mommies:

Take time off from your children – every mom needs “mommy time”; this can include five minutes or a whole day of indulgence. During “mommy time” avoid (if possible) discussing and thinking about your child. Take a walk in the park, have a long bath, coffee with girlfriends, or date night with your partner. This will help you to feel recharged and relaxed. Support from other mommies – being a mommy can feel like a lonely process. Know that you are not alone; every mom needs support from other mommies to discuss their fears, struggles and hopes in raising a child. If you do not have mommy friends or family members who have children, join a mommy group in your area. Support from family and community members – it is crucial to get support from your partner, family, neighbors and friends. If you do not have a support network, join a local support group. Let go of the “super mommy syndrome” – do you want everything to be perfect (bake the best cookies for school social, career woman, social butterfly, ultimate mom and perfect wife)? Perfection can place enormous pressure on a mom, and lead to disappointment if goals are not met. Set realistic goals; it is ok to let go of certain expectations. If you work full-time and need to prep a dish for your child’s school event – cheat and buy a pre-made dish, only you will know! Minimize stress – are you running out of steam? Online shopping is a savior for many moms. Online, you can order diapers, apparel, food… almost anything. When cooking, make a little bit more and freeze the meal, this will hopefully cut down time spent in the kitchen. If your budget allows, hire a cleaner to help you with household chores, allowing you to rest or focus on other activities. Treat yourself – next time you go shopping, give yourself permission (within your budget) to treat yourself, and do not feel guilty. If you buy a dress, or a darling pair of shoes, create a whole event around it – a night out with your girlfriends or partner.

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