Rick Perry Announces Candidacy

Rick Perry has officially announced his candidacy. You might be hearing it first here, after weeks and months of my sharing the good news of Rick Perry’s leadership on jobs and the economy.

More jobs, less government

Perry will run on platform of balanced budget, lower taxes, less government regulation, and civil justice reform. Jobs creation is his mantra: “It’s time to get America working again.” And the cheers go up in a roar! America resonates with the message!

Slow news day for MSM

Grassroots blogs, pretty much alone and decidedly excitedly, carried the news of Perry’s announcement and speech. At the same, we hear precious little from the mainstream media (MSM):

CNN put up a piece exactly three sentences long;
The Huffing Puffing Post, obviously scooped, carried the announcement only after hearing first reports from the Associated Press;
NBC News reported unhappiness with the timing of Perry’s announcement;
And Yahoo! News chose to first-list the event with a piece describing other Republicans’ intended attacks on the late-comer.

Despite MSM’s attempts to ignore or discolor the event, enthusiasm for Rick Perry reached a high on his announcement. In fact, there’s an excitement for Perry that’s simply absent from the other candidates.

Jobs creation candidate

Perry rises above the petty political slurs and play for MSM parity, striking paydirt instead with Americans out of work and an America ill with an ailing economy.

While jobs and businesses shut down–putting people out of their homes and livelihoods–Perry practices the policies that bring them back. This is music to the ears of the unemployed still looking for work. Perry brings a track record of achievement instead of pretty talk from a president.

Many, however, have stopped looking for work, having grown a dependence on government handouts and welfare. These are the folks the Lefties like, because they deliver votes, union dues to the Party, and the support of dependents stuck in the status quo.

Candidate’s website

You can read for yourself about the candidate for which much gusto grows. Join the excitement that bursts from below the blanket of bland mainstream coverage. Rick Perry has launched his candidate’s website right along with his candidacy.

Americans have nothing to lose but what is already gone from the current confiscatory regime. Let the naysayers wallow in their yeah buts, while the blame Bushers rant about Rights. Watch the video and consider instead what could be: Americans back to work, America economically sound, and Perry for President!

Sources: all embedded in the text.

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