Postive Pregnancy Test: What to Do Now

Okay, so you just peed on a little stick and got a positive pregnancy result. Whether you’re happy, sad, shocked, relieved or not, there is likely a wide range of things flying through your thought spiral. Somewhere in that flurry of emotion there is likely one prominent question, “What do I do now?”

Act pregnant:

Right away, whether you are sure you want the baby or not, if you haven’t already done so, begin to “act pregnant.” This means to take prenatal vitamins, refrain from drinking, smoking and other dangerous behavior. Avoid certain medications, and more.

Decide what you want to do:

You next step is to really think about whether you want this baby and how you feel about it. Take some time-but not too much time if you are considering abortion-to get your feelings and thoughts in a logical order.

Talk to the father:

Third, while there are cases where I’d void this advice, normally you should contact and inform the father of your baby of your pregnancy. He has a right to know about the baby, and also discuss with you his feelings on what should be done. This doesn’t mean it’s not ultimately not your decision, but he deserves to have his case heard.

Get confirmation of your pregnancy:

Places like Planned Parenthood can be very helpful and inexpensive in this department. If you decide not to keep the baby, they can help advice you of your options. If you decide to keep the baby, they can provide you with a list of prenatal care providers as well as help you get started with any financial help programs that might be available to you. The cost of delivering a baby and pregnancy care are high these days. Also, keep in mind that false positives while rare, do occur. It’s important to confirm your pregnancy.

(Beyond this point steps are for those that decided to continue their pregnancy.)

Find a prenatal care provider:

As soon as possible you should seek out a prenatal care provider. Early care can help determine a more accurate due date as well as identify any risks to you or your baby early on. Start by compiling a full list of options-the one you got from Planned Parenthood is a great base. Other places to check include the phone book, recommendations from friends, or online searches. Begin narrowing your list by finding which care givers are accepting new patients, accept your means of payment, and are plausibly easy to visit. For example, a care giver 5 minutes away is probably easier than one two towns over. Next, take your shortened list and pool other women you know. You’ll likely find some have a great reputation, and some have nothing but negative feedback under their belt. Try to get your list down to a reasonable number to actually speak with. Call each and ask questions that are important to you, try to get a feel for who this person is, and if you feel comfortable with them. From there you should be able to narrow down a decision.

After that, nature does the rest. Congratulations. What was the first thing you did when you found out you were pregnant?

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