Parenting: Sleeping Arrangements for Toddlers

As children grow older, their sleeping needs change. This guide covers suggested sleeping arrangements for children over one year.

Out of the Crib

By the age of one, most children are able to climb and move about on their own very easily. It is important to find them a bed that is not a crib. If left in a crib, they have a tendency to try to climb out, and they could injure themselves.

At this point, they could sleep safely with their parents. It is best to keep the child away from the edge of the bed, and preferably near a wall or between two parents. If the child is already sleeping with the parents, there’s no need to hurry the child into their own bed. But parents should note that the longer a child sleeps in the parents’ bed, the harder it will be to get them to leave it for another bed.

For parents wanting to give their toddler a bed of their own, know that it is easier if the bed is appealing to the child. For example, toddler beds that have designs of their favorite cartoon characters make the transition to a new bed easier. Parents don’t have to pay for expensive licensed beds though, as simply placing stickers on a plain toddler bed can often do the trick.

For toddlers having trouble adjusting to a new bed, parents should put them in the bed after they fall asleep. That way they will wake up in the bed and associate the new bed with sleeping.

Parents should be patient with children adjusting to a new bed. If the child lies down in the new bed, but cries to be with the parents when about to fall asleep, then it’s okay to let the child in the parents’ bed. This behavior is normal and part of the adjustment process.

Sleepy Time

Toddlers generally only take one nap each day, and should get about 9-10 hours of sleep each night. It helps to keep a child’s sleep schedule consistent, putting them to bed at the same times each night, and timing the naps to about the same time of day.

Each day is different, and children cannot always be put to bed at the same time, but keeping to a regular schedule will make them happier and allow them to sleep better.

At night, it helps to have a cup of water near their bed. This should be a spill-proof cup, as children asking for water in the middle of the night likely won’t even open their eyes when they drink.

For daytime naps, there are a few ways to ensure they take place around the same time. Firstly, feed the child a full meal before nap time, as a full stomach will help them go to sleep. Leave off foods that are high in sugar or caffeine that would keep them awake.

Also, don’t let children sleep in too late in the morning, or they won’t want to take a nap in the afternoon. This will also mess up their night time sleep schedule.

Finally, get the child to be active during the morning before their nap, so they will use up their morning energy.

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