Kids and St. Patrick’s Day!

The best times I remember growing up in the late 50’s and 60’s were the relatively safe neighborhoods. Fireflies would waltz around lit lampposts as our parents discussed, well, us! First, a little background, before I go on to St. Patrick’s Day and the fun I remember.

The early Spring, brought out families to the backyards or front lawns, on week ends, where the rest of the evening was spent visiting. I’m talking the whole neighborhood. The roads were not paved, actually caliche covered most of them! If you owned a television set, you were rich by our standards!

We were allowed to bring out the older sheets or blankets and sit on the grass catching fireflies or stare at the evening sky. We saw many a falling star in those days! It seems each age group naturally gravitated toward each other.

Teenagers were way cooler and really set themselves off! I remember many a school girl crush of seven for the older boy of fifteen!

I was blessed to have grown up in South Texas where usually whoever did not speak Spanish would learn! Same with the Spanish speaker. He learned to speak the language of commerce if he wanted to earn a living.

This was true for some Hispanic, Black and White! Now, not everybody was as willing and friendly, it was the early 60’s after all. I said we were blessed!

How does this relate to good old St. Patrick’s Day? First of all, in all honesty, my sweet mother taught us he was a saintly man first, who freed Ireland from snakes. We had no problem with that! Most of our Priests from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church were either Spanish- like from Spain- or Irish.

Our Anglo buddies from school however, would caution us to wear green or else risk getting pinched on that very day! How that ever got started is another story I’m sure. We lived near naval base housing, so we had contact with all ethnic groups.

In grade school our teachers, took care of us. First thing, after morning roll call, Teacher would survey the class. Anyone without a stitch of green, would have a shamrock made of thick construction paper immediately pinned on them. This was your protection and guarantee against a merciless pinch!

Afterwards, we heard stories and saw maps from The Emerald Isle and then colored, cut and pasted, countless leprechauns, rainbows and pots of gold. After we ate the cupcakes decorated with green coconut, and drank green punch, we were ready for recess!

Yaaayy!!! Out we ran to the playground to search for no less than the mystical, magical four sided clover. Find this shamrock and you were sure to be transported to another time and land “over the rainbow”! Oh, less we forgot, no one was really allowed to pinch anyone. If you did, you risked sitting out all of recess!

Goodness knows how many “weeds” were plucked in search of the elusive magical shamrock!
Teacher took them all and held them as a bouquet in an empty glass jar. She showed us all the possible shades of green there were on this good earth. I guess we were still learning and having fun!

Well, now the elementary school got torn down and the roads are all paved. Most of us have made it into our early sixties by the grace of God! Neighborhoods are now concerned and vigilant about crime so a child is never left outside unattended to just play.

So, those truly were the good old days! No, I can’t really say my Hispanic roots kept me from enjoying St. Patrick’s Day when I was a kid! I was truly blessed! Thanks St. Patrick! I still enjoy a green coconut covered cupcake now and then, with skimmed milk!

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