Healthy Go-to Snacks

As an active person and an active student I rarely ever make it between meals without snacking. I am always looking for healthy, easy and cheap snacks that will keep me going until my next meal. I love mixing textures and flavors and experimenting every now and then. Here are some of my go to snacks:

Granola bars- Fiber One, Kashi, Luna and Publix brand are my favorites. They offer a wide variety of flavors from peanut butter to chocolate mocha and even pumpkin spice, how could you not love to bite into one of these!

Peanut Butter- One of the most basic flavors from childhood, yet this condiment offers some healthy carbs and protein while adding a punch of flavor to anything you put it on. I love putting this on apples, celery and rice cakes. The crisp fruit or veggie and crunchy cake with the creamy salty-sweet peanut butter is the perfect combination. You can even throw some raisins on top for a little extra flavor

Cheese- I am an avid cheese lover, as a result I love buying mozzarella cheese sticks. They can be brought anywhere and eaten on the go. They are even good rapped up in cold cuts or dipped into salsa. Cheese and crackers are another simple crunchy and creamy snack that I turn to. I usually choose sharp cheddar or swiss cheese with whole grain wheat thins and a dollop of mustard to make mini sandwiches…yum!

Vegetables- Your mom always told you to eat your veggies, and this has become one of my handy snacks. Most firm veggies- carrots, celery, cucumber, even cherry tomatoes- can be packed in a baggie and eaten on the go. How simple is that!
Yogurt- A lot of yogurt parfaits are full of sugar and fake fruit. I like to make my own. I usually start with a small yogurt, Fiber One, Yoplait Light or Activia light. I like to add almonds or cereal for crunch, fruit for a little sweetness and crisp and raisins for something chewy.

Trail mix- I love trail mix! They come pre-packages or are incredibly easy to make. I like to combine peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins, dried fruit and sometimes some small dark chocolate chips.

Small bowl of oatmeal- If I want something warm and sweet I turn to oatmeal. I usually take about ½ cup of oats, sprinkle of cinnamon, and either a little honey or peanut butter for some flavor. I add some almond milk until I like the consistency and microwave for 2 minutes. Out comes the perfect warm gooey snack.

Apple- Another one of my sweet snacks is cinnamon apple slices. I slice up an apple, sprinkle with cinnamon, nutmeg and a little honey and microwave for 30 seconds. It’s like eating apple pie filling, but healthier!

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