Having Confidence in Pursuing Relationship: Part I

It never fails. You meet a girl, you have a great time, yet you’ve been there before. You’ve met girls and had good times. But when you pursue the relationship it ends up being a big mess. Well, guys. This guide should help you pick up some quick tips on whether it’s worth your time to go for it… Or not.

Let’s start with some initial warning signs that you can pick up on right away. These are the wares that she’s putting out there for the world to see. Much like in nature, when you see the brightly striped frog, you know it’s poisonous. Likewise, when you see certain things about a woman, they tell a story, the only question is do you know how to read them? While these signs typically won’t be deal-breakers, if they are prevalent in the extreme they may be enough to ward you away.

How Does She Look?
No, this is not shallow. What a woman wears can communicate volumes to her emotional and mental state of being. Is there a turtle-neck hugging her chin? Are those jeans faded and look like they’ve passed through more than one yard sale? Is she wearing ten pounds of make-up? But most telling: How much skin is she showing?

What we’re looking for here is dress that is fairly down-to-earth. It should be stylish and appropriate to the occasion. A healthy attention to her appearance is good, it shows that she has some self-confidence and care for herself. However, if she’s consistently dressing in a way that is by-design to make men tingle in their pants, that’s a bad sign. That’s probably going to be a girl you want to stay away from, because she’s more interested in attention than a relationship. Also, it can often be a sign that her maturity-level is still low.

On the other hand, if she doesn’t groom herself hardly at all; no make-up, old ill-fitting clothes, limited attention to personal hygiene, this can communicate that she has self-worth issues, and this may be an early indication of a woman who will be very critical of herself and others. She may also be very dependent on other people’s perception of her. In other words: she’s constantly worried that everyone is poking fun at her or that the world’s against her, or no one likes her.

How Does She Interact With People?
Take some time to observe how she interacts with the people around her. Does she gossip a lot? Can she look people in the eye when talking to them? Is she especially flirtatious? Does she seem fake when reacting to other people’s stories or jokes? When something unexpected happens does she overreact? Does she shrink away?

Make sure that you note right away how she acts in situations with people. There’s nothing worse than when you meet this girl who’s super hot, but then you start talking to her and all she does is gossip and talk smack about the other women around.

Her interactions with people are going to be your biggest initial heads-up to what her personality is like. Plus, if you do move into a relationship with her, how she treats other people will reflect on you.

You will have to decide whether you like or dislike her interactions with others, but if you find yourself repelled by more than a few ways that she’s interacting with other people, eventually she’s going to interact with you that way, so sometimes it’s better to just not go there.

Also, just because she’s flirting with you doesn’t mean you should ignore the rest of what you’re observing. I know it’s hard when you have a pretty face smiling up at you; but do your best to be objective, because smiles turn to anger and frustration all too quickly!

Where Did You Meet Her?
Where you meet a girl can be important, as well. Is she a new co-worker? Did you meet her at your niece’s recital? At a club, or a bar? How about a dating website?

Listen, if you’re looking to pick up a girl, meeting her at a bar or a night club is just fine. But if you’re looking for a healthy, adult relationship, these are places you want to avoid.

Now, I know that dating service website commercials want to make you believe that finding dates on one of these sites will cause you to find the love of your life, and you’ll meet this perfect woman and never have any problems. Reality is not that simple. I could write an entire article about this subject, however, I will suffice to say that it has been the experience of many that it’s hard to truly get to know who someone is on a dating service, and if you can’t truly get to know, truly understand this person you’ve been directed to, how will you ever know whether she’s someone you should pursue a relationship with?

Ideally the place you meet this woman would be natural, if it’s a forced situation it can often become awkward or the connection will be strained from the beginning because the levels of expectation are too high. If the relationship begins this way it can be a major wrench in the gears, as it were.

What’s Next?
All three of the topics discussed above are not what you should base your decision to move forward or not on. They are signals to be aware of, not facts to rest your case on. We need to go deeper in order to discern if this is a woman that you want to truly pursue a committed relationship with. So do yourself a favor and check out Part II of this article and we can discover what the next steps are.

Check Out Part II Of This Article.

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