Eating the Right Foods to Stay Healthy and Live Longer

Do you want to live longer? Do you want to be healthy as you live this long life? You have two choices. You can start eating the right foods that researchers say will help you live this long and healthy life or you can continue eating junk food and chemically based foods. If you choose to eat junk food and chemically based foods you will more than likely live a shorter life, that is unhealthy and one this keeps you striving to lose weight. Are you more interested in now learning about the foods that can help you stay healthy and live longer.

These foods include:


Ginger is a spicy root. It contains many compounds that are similar to anti-inflammatory medications. It can also help thin the blood. The good thing about ginger is that it is easy to add to teas, ground into drinks and is even easy to grate on potatoes and other vegetables.


Yes, pumpkin can be eaten the year around and not just for Halloween. It is known for its antioxidant benefits as well as being able to help reduce some inflammation, even arthritis related inflammation. Yet, please not that the one hundred percent pure pumpkin puree is the best to use, not the pie filling variety.

You can use pumpkin in desserts, as well as adding it to meat sauces, taco filling and chili (you can’t even taste it, if you use the puree version.)


Beans are filled with many nutrients we need. They are also filled with protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. They can help stabilize our blood sugar, even those with type 2 diabetes.


Nuts are filled with heart healthy fats. They are also filled with protein. They can help fill you up with causing you to gain a lot of weight, if you hold down your portion size. They can help improve your cholesterol since they are filled with omegas 3s. A daily one ounce serving of these are a great healthy snack for a variety of reasons.


Cheese is a great source of diary. Diary is needed to help build and maintain bones. It has also been proven that cheese and other dairy products can help women decrease their PMS symptoms. The reason being is that many women with PMS related symptoms have been found to have low levels of calcium in their symptoms around the time of ovulation.

If you would like to live longer and healthier, why not try the above food suggestions. Isn’t your health worth it?

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