Decorating Your Home for Spring

Poet Christina Rossetti once described spring as the time “when life is alive in everything.” It’s hard not to feel a sense of renewal and optimism outdoors when listening to birdsong and smelling the fresh earth and blossoms. To capture that same sense of serenity in your own home, bring the outdoors inside and capture nature in your living space.

Start with a spring-like color palette. The colors most associated with spring are soft pastels; think robin’s egg blue, fern green or daffodil yellow. For homeowners dedicated to a spring feeling year round, paint an accent wall in a pastel color that will make your room feel like May even in the winter darkness. For the less adventurous, spring colors can enter your home through a variety of accessories. Colorful throw pillows, vases, artwork and crockery can all add a beautiful punch of spring color.

Let in the light. Take advantage of the longer days by replacing heavy winter window covers with light and airy treatments. Sheer panels let in the maximum amount of light while still providing some privacy. White cotton and floral print panels are much more spring like than thick or jewel toned window coverings.

Bring the outdoors in. With the seasonal explosion of greenery and fresh blooms it’s common sense when decorating for spring to take advantage of nature’s bounty. If you have a green thumb, living house plants give you the most bang for your buck; when well tended they can last for years. For the less botanically inclined, cut flowers can provide the same feel. If you’re looking for something a little more unique than a vase of tulips consider unusual plant arrangements like bare branches arranged in a colorful holder, large sprays from a flowering shrub like the forsythia or the contrast of a milk white vase filled with green ferns.

Replicate nature with texture. Color and light are not the only ways to make your home feel airy and warm, texture can be just as important to the pitch perfect spring decor. Look for rough textures like sisal or jute rugs, rattan and wicker baskets or furniture to give your room a rough, woodsy feel. Loose weave fabrics for throws and curtains also add a farm-like feel.

Don’t neglect the fauna. We’ve already explored various ways to bring the feeling of spring time flora into your home decor but animals are just as much a part of the season. Choose prints or sculptures of animals commonly associated with spring like rabbits, birds and fawns to spread throughout the room. Cute birdhouses can also reference spring animals in a more subtle way.

With just a few simple changes you can bring the joy and reawakening of the season into your home.

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