Coconut Water is a Natural Hangover Cure

We all know the feeling. You wake up the morning after the night before with a dry mouth, pounding head and nauseous feeling in your stomach. That quiet drink after work has turned into one too many yet again and the thought of going out or drinking again is enough to make you feel ill. While many people reach for the pills, you could try a natural hangover cure.

A popular natural hangover cure that many people are turning to is coconut water. Coconut water is a proven cure for even the heaviest hangovers. It is effective against all the familiar hangover symptoms, including lethargy, dry mouth, nausea and headache.

Coconuts mainly grow in tropical countries in Central and South America, the Caribbean, the Indian subcontinent and the Pacific islands. Brazil, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and India are the top five coconut producing countries in the world. Coconut water is a clear liquid obtained from young coconuts which promotes health because of its electrolytes. It has long been used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine to treat a wide range of illnesses. Coconut water is very cooling, fat free, low in carbohydrates and calories compared to most juices and boosts the immune system, helping your body to fight off infections, viruses and bacteria. It has also been linked to improving the circulation of the blood in the body and helping to maintain good memory in the elderly. It is prescribed by doctors to patients with a number of ailments including urine infections and kidney stones as well as to pregnant women.

When taken as a natural hangover cure, coconut water has the advantage. After a heavy drinking bout, your body will be severely dehydrated and will need lots of electrolytes to repair the damage done to your kidneys, liver and digestive system by all the alcohol you consumed. There are many off the shelf remedies for hangovers but the best natural hangover cure available to deal with dehydration is coconut water. If fresh coconut water isn’t available where you live, you can still drink the commercial brands sold in supermarkets.

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