Add Foods to Your Diet that Burn Fat to Reduce Belly Fat

With the right approach you can actually reduce belly fat and body fat by adding foods to your diet that have the properties that burn fat. You of course want to have a balanced life style that includes regular cardio exercise and weight building exercises to strengthen but the foods you put into your body play a major role if you are on a quest to reduce belly fat.

First and foremost eliminate carbonated drinks from your diet which are prone to cause bloating and also increase weight gain with their sugar content. Replace soda with 100% juice drinks, green tea and of course water. And the truth on alcoholic drinks is that they actually encourage your body to burn less fat by more than 35%. You of course need your daily intake but by switching from milk to yogurt your body burns much more belly fat.

When considering adding foods to your diet that burn fat to reduce your belly fat consider healthier choices and even the oils you use in preparing food. Olive oil, Canola and even sunflower oils are among the healthier choices and are ideal for salad lovers. Add nuts such as walnuts and cashews and foods rich in the good fats such as avocados as sides for dinner. You can even still enjoy certain sweets while working to reduce belly fat. Simply switch from milk chocolate to dark chocolate and take advantage of all of the health properties dark chocolate has to offer.

Another very import ant factor is not only the foods you add to your diet to burn belly fat but also the frequency of meals. Try to enjoy five to six small meals a day rather than starving your body and eating a heavy meal after work. Your heaviest meal should be mid-day allowing you to retire at night feeling light but satisfied. The healthiest foods that burn felly fat are the lean mean foods such as fish, lean meats like skinless chicken, fresh vegetables, greens and fresh fruits.

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