5 Green Thanksgiving Tips

Thanksgiving is one of the easiest holidays for a green makeover. With the traditional Thanksgiving emphasis on food and family, there is not as much commercialization associated with Thanksgiving as other holidays and celebrations. Of course, there are still ways to ensure that the family Thanksgiving is eco-friendly.

Plan well to avoid Thanksgiving dinner leftovers and waste. Most great holiday gatherings begin with great plans–but, a green friendly Thanksgiving gathering simply must have a detailed, organized plan to reduce waste and excess. Calculating servings to minimize leftovers, purchasing only necessary ingredients, supplies, and Thanksgiving dinner accessories are all part of a necessary green Thanksgiving.

Buy local foods for the Thanksgiving feast. Food takes center stage during Thanksgiving–and one of the easiest ways to make Thanksgiving green is by using products from local food producers. Popular Thanksgiving dishes are made from seasonal ingredients that are generally readily available in most areas. Local foods support the area economy and require fewer environmental resources to transport from local producers to local tables. Try following a variation of the 100-Mile Diet similar to the one planned for Thanksgiving in Columbus, Ohio.

Keep Thanksgiving green by keeping festivities simple. Part of the initial Thanksgiving dinner plan should return the holiday to a simpler time. Do guests really need ten different dessert options or over packaged, disposable party favors? Make Thanksgiving more eco-friendly by simplifying the menu and cutting back on commercial décor and party supplies. Look to nature for festive Thanksgiving décor and skip the excess. Remember that a simpler, scaled-down Thanksgiving gathering is not only greener, but requires less time in the kitchen and offers more valuable time with the guests as well.

Reduce the carbon footprint of Thanksgiving travel. Thanksgiving is one of the most traveled holiday weekends in the United States. Whether hosting or attending a Thanksgiving Day event, green travel planning is a must. If staying as a houseguest with the host, be sure to ask about green friendly practices in the home, such household recycling or composting activities and be energy conscious during the stay. There are also a number of ways to reduce the carbon footprint of Thanksgiving travel-such as visiting green hotels and choosing the most eco-friendly transportation option for the trip.

Give thanks for reducing, recycling and reusing. Thanksgiving consumption and waste disposal should be considered as the holiday gathering is planned. Avoid excess product packaging, compost, recycle as much as possible and purchase reusable Thanksgiving decorations and gear to create a green Thanksgiving.

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