Symptoms of tetanus

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The presenting symptoms are often jaw or neck stiffness, difficulty swallowing, and irritability. Thanks for using ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Symptoms of tetanus
What are the symptoms of tetanus?
The first sign of Tetanus is Lockjaw which is why many call it lockjaw. But you will also have facial spasms, stiffness in the neck, trouble swallowing. And there are many more. Look here for more information:…
How Long to Develop Symptoms of Tetanus?
Symptoms usually begin about 8 days following exposure, but in some rare cases, the incubation period can be up to several months. The first symptoms are a very stiff jaw and neck, facial muscle spasms, and difficulty swallowing. You sound …
Can the symptoms of tetanus appear on very first day?
He he.. Do not worry.. Know some of the facts about tetanus.. ・ 1) Tetanus never occurs on the first day of the wound.. NEVER ・ 2) Tetanus spores are ubiquitious and they are present in the soil, Dirt and rusted iron etc… When … ・ 3) m…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can the symptoms of tetanus appear on very first day?
Q: I got hurt yesterday with my pen refill which is 2 years old, i just had a little cut and then at night I had a little pain in the right side of jaw. Although I had washed the wounds with dettol Could It be tetanus?
A: He he.. Do not worry.. Know some of the facts about tetanus.. 1) Tetanus never occurs on the first day of the wound.. NEVER2) Tetanus spores are ubiquitious and they are present in the soil, Dirt and rusted iron etc… When u are wounded with such a thing, than the spores might get deposited in the wound, proliferate and release a toxin called tetanospasmin which causes tetanus.. Its unusual to get tetanus with a pen which will not be usually contaminated… 3) most of us are immunised with Tetvac or TT injection and those who are immune can effectively neutralise the toxin and it prevents the disease.. Just, think when did u have the previous tetvac injection..?? If its more than an year or so than go and take one tetvac from a nearest doctor.. Its the cheapest vaccine and widely available..!! But take one precaution, all the vaccines must be given on to the shoulder or deltoid.. Do not take it to the buttocks.. Most docs have a wrong practice of this… 4) If u had taken a TT within 6 months from now.. Relax, no need to worry.. just ignore,, Do wat ever is necessary for healing of the wound…
What are symptoms of tetanus? Is getting it through a cut the only way to get tetanus?
A: Hi guitargirl,The other name for tetanus is lockjaw so that really tells you the main symptom.It attacks the skeletal muscles.It can be through rusty nails going into you, either your hands or by standing on one, and through some types of soil which is why gardeners usually keep up to date with their shots.Also dust and animal excreta.Love Mel.X
What are the symptoms of a tetanus shot?
Q: I got one 2 days ago and I feel horrible. Could this be why?
A: Yes, they can also cause swollen lymph nodes in your neck or axilla. The tetanus shot is not the actual tetanus pathogen as people who don’t know have said, it is actually a toxoid that is similar to the tetanus toxin, so the immune system reacts to make antibodies against it. All the chemical signals the white blood cells send to each other can cause the general malaise that you are feeling. Its explained here
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