Constipation. Symptoms

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Constipation, costiveness, or irregularity is a condition of the … Other symptoms related to constipation can include bloating, distension, abdominal pain, [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Constipation. Symptoms
Can constipation be a symptom of PMS
No, while mood swings and irritability are symptoms of PMS, constipation is not a PMS symptom. ChaCha on!
What are the symptoms of constipation?
Constipation can make you feel miserable and some symptoms are bloating, cramps, ans headaches for example. You can help this by changing your diet and eating more fiber or use stool softeners or even do a colon cleanse to help. For more in…
Is constipation a symptom of pregnancy?
Hello. Sometimes it can be a symptom of pregnancy yes. But I wouldn’t rely on constipation in itself as being a indication of pregnancy. You may have a upset stomach. Wait till your period arrives and do a test. Then you’ll know hun. consti…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Constipation symptoms…..?
Q: I’m taking laxatives now, but I was wondering cause I have bad cramps and some pains in my stomach. It’s been 5 days since Ive had a bowel movement. Could these cramps and pains be caused by the constipation? I just started taking laxitives todat..and these pains have been going on for awhile now
A: Depending on your diet, age and daily activities, regular bowel movements can mean anything from three bowel movements per day to one every three days. If you are experiencing hard, compacted stools that are difficult or painful to pass, the urge to move the bowels (even though you just had a movement), or no bowel movement over three days for adults and four days for children, you may have constipation.Note: Laxatives can be habit-forming. If laxative use causes asthma, skin rash, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, dehydration, muscle cramping, nausea or other side effects, please see a doctor immediately.
Are heartburn and constipation symptoms of early pregnancy?
Q: I have been ttc for 3 months, ovulated around a week or so ago and have started to get heartburn and constipation. i read somewhere that this could be an early sign? period due on the 15th.i have never had problems with either of these things before, am also nauseus and tired and every emotional.
A: The First Trimester(Week 1 – Week 12) More about the First Trimester Your period stops or becomes very light. You may feel nausea or queasiness. Some women vomit. (“Morning sickness” can happen any time of day — it may help to eat small meals throughout the day, snack on crackers or toast, or drink juice or lemonade.) Your breasts swell and may be tender. Your nipples and the area around the nipples (areola) get darker and broader. You have to urinate more often. You feel tired. You may become constipated and have heartburn (Tums may help). You may have headaches. You experience mood swings — feel angry, sad, or happy for no reason.
Chronic constipation and other symptoms?
Q: I’m just curious if anyone would know what I might have or if they’ve experienced the same thing. My symptoms are:- Constipation ( five to seven days long )- Swollen tonsils with white spots on them- Depressed- Constantly feel hot- Dizzy feelingThe constipation didn’t just start recently either, I’ve had troubles with it through out the past three years. Recently it’s been like this for about a month or two now. Any ideas?
A: if u take meds then they might be causing the constipation.drink a lot of water
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