Why does eating cocaine give me a headache

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A:Cocaine may trigger migraine headaches, but it can also mean a stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningitis, or brain abscess. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-eating-cocaine-give-me-a-headache ]
More Answers to “Why does eating cocaine give me a headache
Why does eating cocaine give me a headache
Cocaine may trigger migraine headaches, but it can also mean a stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningitis, or brain abscess.

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Why does everyone think Pot is so bad?
Q: I think it’s wrong for society to lie to teenagers about smoking marijuana. I find it frustrating when I hear ads from places like “Partnership for a Drug Free America” running commercials against Pot that just aren’t true. I don’t like it when people warn teens about using “Marijuana and Cocaine” when Pot is almost harmless and Cocaine is a dangerous drug. When people lie to teens about Marijuana then teens assume they are lying about other drugs too and I think they are more likely to do drugs they shouldn’t do. So I think it’s time to come clean and tell the truth. If teens are going to do drugs, they should have truthful and accurate information. So I have decided to tell it like it is. Best decisions are made when the real facts are presented.For those parents who are reading this in horror, I am not trying to get kids to smoke Pot. What I am doing here is trying to tell them the truth, and tell you the truth about a widely misunderstood substance. This is an opportunity for everyone to have a better understanding of reality. If you can’t handle reality, stop reading this web page. There are plenty of other web sites that will tell you what you want to hear. This is not one of them. Marijuana is the safest of all drugs. It is far safer to smoke a joint than to have a beer. Pot is the drug of choice for people who want to get high, but be responsible in getting high. There are people who do no drugs at all, and that’s fine. But for those of you who want to get high and be responsible, Pot is a very good choice.Marijuana make most people more relaxed. It relieves the clutter and tension after a hard days work or school. It mellows you out and makes you more relaxed. It heightens the imagination and improves creativity. If you have a problem with anger, Pot is usually a good drug to reduce it.Marijuana has other medical benefits. It helps reduce problems with glaucoma. If you have cancer, it reduces nausea from chemotherapy. I had a close friend who died of cancer. His doctor prescribed Pot even though it wasn’t legal. I gave him some and it allowed him to eat food again. This was three weeks before he died. I think the Pot gave him another week of quality life. As compared to most drugs, Pot is the least dangerous. Pot is not an addictive drug. For those who claim it is, anything is theoretically addictive, and there are some people who can become addicted to spring water. So to put it in perspective, Pot is less addictive than coffee. I have become addicted to coffee myself and have broken the habit. You get mild headaches for a few days. I have never had any symptoms for withdrawal from Pot.Pot will cause some short term memory loss. It’s harder to remember a 10 digit phone number. Beer causes the same memory loss as Pot. The effect is temporary and wears off completely. Pot has no long term affects on the brain. I have been smoking Pot for the last 25 years and I still test as a genius on IQ tests. My mental abilities have increased over the years.Pot will give you the Munchies. You may eat more than you would normally. If you are on a diet, you should factor this in when deciding to smoke Pot. It could cause you to gain weight.Pot is a sexual stimulant. It removes a persons inhibitions. You are more likely to agree to have sex when you are stoned. You are also more likely to not use birth control while stoned. Sometimes people get others stoned to try to get them to have sex when they normally wouldn’t. If you are getting stoned with members of the opposite sex, be aware of this and realize that it can have this effect on you.
A: What I am about to say comes from experience when I was your ageNO, it is not safe – it does in fact “fry” your brainIt does cause permanent memory loss .It is illegalIt does not enhance sexual experience – it does tend to do the oppositeI knew guys back then who became impotent over a period of time. It’s a major turn off to the girls you might go out with.It does impair judgement while driving a car – Would you want to get you and you friends killed just for the sake of a joint?You will become addicted to it like any illegal drug and if caught you will stuck with a record for the rest of you life. Try getting a decent job with a record. When they know why you got that record it will become very hard to get a job. Most businesses do drug testsSmoking pot will also alter your moods over time – you will get beligerent and somewhat violentNone of this is cool at all. They list goes on
Boyfriend sniffs cocaine! help!?
Q: My boyfriend just admitted to me the day after christmas, that he has been sniffing cocaine for three months, he claims its only been every other week, sometimes in between. Now that i know, ive realized now why he has not been eating, why he comes home from work and sleeps, and why he has been getting headaches and stomach aches. His pupils were always HUGE! I have a feeling the problem is worse, and that he has used it more then he is telling me, and i want to help and ive told him i can help if he tells me, but he says he is not addicted and he is stopping. The past two days he has ate much food, but the drug is still in his system, he took a home drug test. He told me it didnt give him bad side effects, and that it never hurt him, and im afraid that he doesnt see the harmful effects, and that one day he will just choose to do it, I want to keep him busy and stuff, but he has been out of money for a while, late on bills, and NOW I SEE WHY! so we have no money to go out, and have fun to keep his mind off of it, what do i do to give him a wakeup call from this? Im mainly mad because he has lied to me for months, and borrowed my money for bills, and he is only 20, and he is a wonderful person, but i let him get away with everything, what do i do to show him if he continues this, he will lose everything, including himself?!
A: hmmmm tell him 2 use sumthing cheaper
I think I’m dying. Do you understand the cerebrum?
Q: Ok so here’s my problem. About three months ago I smoked K2 Summit, which is an legal “incense” designed to get you high much like marijuana. I was with a friend who could not smoke marijuana, and had some K2 he purchased from a head shop, and we both smoked it. He got all giggly and I felt like I was going to die and it felt as though my brain was liquefying inside my skull. I did not smoke anymore. About a week later I began to have terrible headaches that never stopped, and varied in intensity, but at the worst times felt somewhat like the K2 made me feel like. About a month later I had to go to the ER my brain hurt so bad and I could not think or function at all, and now 3 months after all of this, with wicked headaches every single day, I have been seeing a neurologist to fix this “headache”. This pain I feel does not feel like a normal headache or even migraine, it’s like someone is trying to squeeze my brain and I feel on the verge of death, and every single category of migraines might have one or two similar characteristics but overall it doesn’t fit the scheme. I have been given a lot of different medications to relieve headaches, and none of them have worked. Since this happened three months ago I cannot smoke marijuana, or I can’t stand being alive for the following three hours if I do. The same happens with hydrocodone, which I was given for my headaches, and sugar triggers it as well. I cannot eat any sugar at all. I’ve been trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong with me because I cannot go on living like this and I think I may have discovered the answer. First off, I have a dopamine disorder I believe, which causes me to have a decline in neurocognitive functions, especially with memory, attention, and problem solving, all of which I have a lot of trouble with, and are the major aspects of attention deficit disorder. I think when I smoked the K2 it had an adverse reaction with dopamine receptors in my brain, so that instead of feeling pleasure or suppressing pain when I should be feeling pleasure, I feel pain. I have an adderall prescription which is the only chemical that had helped with my “headaches” at all. I also have drank alcohol which is basically a miracle drug and the only “medication” that has been able to successfully take away all of the pain I am experiencing almost every minute of every day. But of course alcohol is not a drug you want to consume on an every day basis, and I try not to. Adderall and Alcohol cause a decrease in dopamine 2 receptor quantity, and the only other drugs I am aware of that do this are cocaine and heroine, which I will never do. This theory that my dopamine receptor has been altered explains why sugar, Ritalin, opioids, and THC all give me such excruciating pain in my brain, and why alcohol removes it completely and amphetamines mask it. My question is what prescription medications decrease the quantity of dopamine receptors like alcohol? Or can anybody offer any kind of help at all, because I feel like I am in uncharted territory, and a frightening one at that.
A: I think your stretching it bud. i think you have and anxiety disorder that is triggering somatic symptoms such as your headache. That’s why the alcohol helps because its a depressant, but doesn’t explain the adderall. Anyway maybe you ought to try an anxiolytic with a Rx of course.
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