What are some exercises I can do to lose one hundred pounds in five weeks

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There is no way to lose 100 pounds in 5 weeks even with gastric bypass surgery. You can start by walking to lose some weight. It is low impact. Go ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-exercises-i-can-do-to-lose-one-hundred-pounds-in-five-weeks ]
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What are some exercises I can do to lose one hundred pounds in fi…?
There is no way to lose 100 pounds in 5 weeks even with gastric bypass surgery. You can start by walking to lose some weight. It is low impact. Go ChaCha!

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What can I do to quit smoking cigarettes as quickly as possible?
Q: I’m fifteen years old and I’m addicted to smoking cigarettes.I started smoking about two months ago because I wanted to lose weight; Please don’t waste my time and yours typing a rant about how smoking to lose weight is stupid because I’ve heard the rant several times already. I already know I’m an idiot.Long story about how I started and why I want to quit:A couple of months ago, my older twin sister was one quarter on an inch taller than I was and weighed about ten pounds less even though I dieted and exercised and she didn’t! I ate AT MOST half as much as Annie [my twin] did at mealtimes. I almost stopped eating fast and junk foods altogether, the exceptions being my weekly 355 mL soft drink and the occasional bite of my sister’s hamburger, French fry or potato chip. I started walking to school almost every day (except the few days that the temperature dropped to almost minus forty degrees Celsius) instead of getting a ride from my mom or taking the bus; I even tried to wake up earlier in the morning to do some push-ups, crunches and squats. I stopped drinking alcohol at the parties I attended because I heard that alcoholic drinks have a lot of sugar in them!Finally, a week before I asked Yahoo Answers if smoking cigarettes would help me lose weight, a friend and I were walking to work together and she heard my stomach growl and asked “Whoa Abbie! What have you eaten today?” Which I replied, “A bagel for breakfast and an apple and some carrot sticks for lunch.”My friend said, “Abbie, that’s like five hundred calories and your body has probably burnt them all off by now! You should probably have a snack before we get to work!” And she tried to give me a candy bar but I refused to take it because I was dieting.Now Erin [my friend] is about five inches taller than me and weighed as much as my sister at one hundred and twenty five pounds; she is literally a “stick figure.” She put the candy bar away and pulled out a package of king size Du Maurier cigarettes (which surprised me because I wasn’t aware that she smoked) and offered me one, I initially refused because I was aware of the health risks. Anyway, she lit one and took a drag and said: “Smoking helps control your appetite, you know.” My will power pretty much collapsed after Erin told me that because Erin was super-skinny and I figured she must smoke to suppress her appetite and stay skinny. So I took the cigarette and took a drag which made me feel light-headed and nauseated, but it effectively suppressed by appetite.At first, one drag of a cigarette suppressed my appetite but within a week the effect was diminishing, so I asked on Yahoo Answers if smoking would help me lose weight and the general response was no but Erin was super-skinny and she smoked and that was all the evidence I needed. So the next time I was at work with Erin, I took more than a single drag of her cigarette; I shared a whole cigarette with her. I shared three cigarettes with her that day, one before work, one on our break and one after work. The following day, we worked together again, so I bought a couple of whole cigarettes from her for a quarter each and smoked them. Basically, I was addicted, so I illegally sold Erin a couple packs of cigarettes (one for me and one for her) before the store closed.So whenever I was hungry I would smoke a cigarette instead. At my peak, I only smoked six cigarettes a day. However, on Friday night I came home from work and found out Annie and my science teacher had ratted me out. My mom searched my bedroom and found a couple unfinished packs of cigarettes of brands I didn’t enjoy I hadn’t disposed of yet and confronted; she also searched my backpack when I got home and found two other packs, one unopened and one partially empty. She made me chain-smoke all sixty-seven cigarettes before spanking me; the spanking was humiliating and painful. By the time the punishment was over, I had a migraine headache, my throat and chest felt like they were on fire, I felt nauseated and I thought I was going to vomit and my ass stung. She said she would spank me with a wooden spoon if she found out I was smoking again. I was also grounded for a month. Her punishment succeeded, I don’t want to smoke anymore. But the cravings, they’re so powerful. I managed to get through Saturday without a cigarette, although I was very irritable but on Sunday I “snuck a smoke” with Erin at work and snuck another one with her at school today. I don’t want to feel the wooden spoon on my bare ass because my mom’s hand hurt more than enough. How can I quit??Did I mention that I lost thirteen pounds in the two months that I smoked? I now weight one hundred and twenty two pounds, which is about three pounds less than Annie [my twin].
A: Visalus chewing tablets. they use herbal mints take the craving/taste away from everything for 30minutes works fast and good salinaa.myvi.net
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