Can a sinus infection cause an abscess

Health related question in topics Abscess .We found some answers as below for this question “Can a sinus infection cause an abscess”,you can compare them.

A:There’s no indication that it could. The symptoms of a sinus infection are: thick, yellow nasal discharge, headache, congestion. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can a sinus infection cause an abscess
Can a sinus infection cause an abscess
There’s no indication that it could. The symptoms of a sinus infection are: thick, yellow nasal discharge, headache, congestion.
How can you tell if its a dental abscess vs. sinus infection??
Symptoms of an abscessed tooth include: Throbbing pain, especially when you chew or you touch your tooth. Red, swollen gums. A bad taste in your mouth. Fever. Swelling in any area of the mouth, face, upper or lower jaw, or neck. Creamy or y…

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Q: just wondering, because i’m pretty sure i have one of the two or even both as i have a sore nose and cheek bone and my tooth is numb.seeing the doc soon, just seeing if anyone knows though.thanks
A: Abscesses can definitely cause facial flushing, and all the other symptoms that you mentioned. I would see a dentist ASAP and hopefully resolve the issue. Good Luck
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A: Sinus infections… yes definatelyGeneral infectiosn of the ehad and neck… definatelyMediastinitis… yes absolutelyStroke and heart attack… there is good anecdotal evidence that tooth abscesses also cause theseGo to to find out more
Abscess and Sinus Infection?
Q: I have a sinus infection that has caused an abscess in my mouth along the top upper part of my mouth. <br>My question is: How do I get down the pain and swelling because of this?<br>I can’t go to a dentist and I can’t go to a doctor.<br>I should mention that I do swish with hot salt water. It takes down the swelling a little but not for long.
A: It sounds like you need some antibiotics, if you cannot afford to go to a dr, or dentist, then go to the emergency room, they can give you a prescription.
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