Why a Pet Skunk is Better Than a Dog or Cat

This is written from my experience with my pet skunk. I only had him a few short years, however what I did have I learned a lot. I’d like to share what I learned through having him as well as the group of friends I collected online who had pet skunks as well. You aren’t alone if you chose a pet skunk is the right pet for you.

A pet skunk uses the liter box, much like a cat.

A pet skunk doesn’t need to go for walks like a dog.

A pet skunk can lift ten times it’s own body weight.

A pet skunk will sleep with you.

A pet skunk will eat anything.

A pet skunk will get you strange reactions.

A pet skunk comes in a wide variety of colors. You can get one to match just about anything.

A pet skunk won’t claw up your couch or curtains.

A pet skunk doesn’t need all the vaccines cats and dogs need.

A pet skunk makes an interesting conversation piece.

A pet skunk loves to be cuddled and will sleep with dogs or cats.

A pet skunk won’t bury things in the yard but uncover them.

A pet skunk won’t bark or meow like a cat or dog.

A pet skunk won’t wake up the neighborhood when in heat.

A pet skunk won’t leave hair balls everywhere like a cat.

A pet can be de-scented and if you don’t him to be, he can be one heck of a guard skunk.

A pet skunk won’t chase his tail like a dog.

A pet skunk will sleep anywhere.

A pet skunk doesn’t mind baths.

A pet skunk chases shadows.

A pet skunk will play with cat toys but won’t chew up dolls like a dog.

A pet skunk loves to be scratched.

A pet skunk’s fur is extremely soft, even sold on Ebay in purses and coats not to mention hats.

A pet skunk squeaks like a squeaky toy.

A pet skunk will stomp at you when mad.

A pet skunk thinks anything new is a treat.

A pet skunk can be domineering.

A pet skunk won’t eat anything live besides bugs.

But sadly…

Pet skunks are only permitted in certain states, and you do have to have a license.

So when someone asks you if you are a dog person or a cat person, you can now reply you’re a skunk person.

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