When Religion and Science First Collided

Do NOT take my words as ‘Gospel.’

Science is a wonderful mystery that tantalizes my thoughts most every day. Many a sleepless night has been filled with my ‘weirdly unique’ sense of philosophy and debate. Yet, I am pretty much unschooled, a ‘laymen,’ of sorts. I enjoyed Mr. Hawking’s books, forgetting the names of them now,.. the sciences stick in my head. Mr. Hawking spoke of the sub-atomic,.. splitting pieces of atoms into something known as ‘quarks.’ It was after that writing that things began to fall into place.

I have always been given to believe in ‘higher powers,’ succumbed to the brainwashing of a christian church in my youth, becoming a pagan when I was able to cipher a bit into the scientific world’s knowledges. There IS, I believe, a higher being,.. countless numbers of them to be truthful. Most of those we know as Gods, Angels,..servants of the Gods,..whether winged with feathers or leathers,.. these beings do exist. We are being studied and judged as to our fitness to exist by them, as were our fore-bearers, the dinosaurs.

I can only philosophize, though, as I have never encountered these beings. I will write what I gleam, try to make it clear to the average person, like myself. Well, I’m a bit below average in many respects, and I really don’t mind it at all.

As stated, I was fated to be raised in a ‘Baptist’ church in a small town in central Illinois [I normally refer to this hell-hole state as ‘Hellinois,’ if I slip in this writing, forgive me]. Fortunately, the school I attended actually taught. Not what I wanted to learn but, I did learn a little bit about science, and there were books on ancient history in the library. Which brings me to speak of ‘God,’ and the ‘Gods, and a small role which I believe science plays in this matter.

The Judeo-Christian-Muslim beliefs all include the story of the beginning of the Universe. I know it as ‘Genesis.’ I don’t have it memorized word for word but, I do know basic tenets. You’re asking yourself one of two questions right now. Either “I thought this was a writing about religion, NOT science,” or, “Hey !! I thought this was a writing about SCIENCE, not religion!!”

I must answer both questions at one time. Six words, no more.

They are one and the same.

This notion come to me several years ago, shortly after studying the book written by Mr. Stephen J. Hawking. That man is brilliant. What I would give to pick his mind and be able to answer back to him coherently. He says in the book, about sub-atomic theories and (I can’t think of the correct word) ‘Universal’ theories,.. how science is looking for them to become a unified equation,.. one equation to piece all equations of science together. Kind of like Einstein’s E = mc2 [squared].

I put to you this.

Whenever our feeble laboratories splits their atomic particles, we are creating a ‘big-bang’ similar to our own. To us, this ‘big-bang’ is very short lived and, as far as I know, we haven’t the capabilities to slow the reactions in a way so as to study them in great detail. Once we figure out how to do this, I am sure we will manipulate the reaction,.. try and change outcomes, etc. .

Our God is a scientist of awesome proportions. He described to Moses, the best he thought Moses could understand, how this world came into being. It makes sense. Even the Hindu Avatars existences become clearer. Hard to describe but, clearer nonetheless. Most all of our benevolent ‘Gods’ exist in the heavens, unapproachable. Our ‘universe’ is someone’s science experiment.

I can expound on this theory and really enjoy good debate. Unlike our politicians, though, I ask for debate, not rhetoric.

Thank you for your patience.

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