What of Dems. And Occupy Wallstreet?

Many, many people are very frustrated with the economy. That is understandable. The job losses, that have lifted slightly lifted recently, are still incredibly high. People in the 99% believe Democrats are partially to blame. But really, fully to blame? Surely not. And who suffers if Mitt Romney becomes President? Surely all of us. What makes people so sure our President is incompetent, that he made promises he did not intend to keep? Did he not tell us the road is difficult to stability, that he would do his utmost best, and that change he promised is likely to take several years? People forget those words.

Those in the 99% feel concerned, that the world has gone for the worst. They want their voices heard. It seems that their voices are heard, and they can be heard more magnified if they were willing to work more with the President, and the Democrats. Democrats are wary, but I am almost positive that if the Occupy Wallstreet people became more organized and willing to work with Democrats, that the Democrats would listen and take action. Occupy Wallstreet people do not want to vote, because they do not like a system that oppresses people. This can seem at odds considering the competition with the Democrats, who more closely resemble Occupy Wallstreet ideals, are far more oppressive, they are willing in any regard to bring about progressive change.

Though the system is flawed, and the idea behind Occupy Wallstreet is remarkable, still I believe in voting for a Democrat President. The day that Mitt Romney becomes President, I will try to run to a country where people who vote, vote with their heads. It would not be right to give the far more oppressive party a fighting chance. And really, I am proud of the President, and what he has accomplished. Change comes with time.

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