Three Unique Winter Activities for Your Kids

Winter can seem like a busy time of year for adults and kids. During this time of year many people are thinking about buying Christmas presents, family gatherings, weather conditions, and missing loved ones. One of the biggest obstacle for parents are weather conditions which can often keep a person inside, and require special clothing to spend time outside. So what can a parent do to entertain their kids during winter. Parents can design both activities indoors and outdoors to keep their kids having fun during this season of the year. Here are three winter activities for kids that will keep parents and kids happy:

Baking Cookies. Everyone loves cookies and it’s a good chance to let the kids experiment in the kitchen. Kids love to bake cookies for family members and friends. There are many great Christmas cookies recipes on the internet. Ages 3-8 can help with decorating the cookies. Children ages 9 and older can help with mixing the batter and baking with the supervision of an adult. Most cookie dough products can be purchased at your local grocery store with other cookie decorating items.

Playing in the Snow. A lot of times, when it snows, we prefer kids to be inside rather than outside. Playing in the snow can offer families fitness from the youngest to the oldest. Take some time out for the whole family to enjoy building a snowman, sledding, creating snow forts and castles. It’s great for kids to be active during the winter, but make sure kids are wearing the proper winter gear before engaging in snow playing. Children of all ages will enjoying playing in the snow. Playing in the snow is a option if it’s snowing in your area of the country.

Making Arts and Crafts. Arts and crafts sound like something done during winter time at school. Kids don’t necessary have to make arts and crafts at school but home also during Christmas break. So bring out the crayons, markers, yarn, buttons, pipe cleaners, glitter glue and etc and give your little one a chance to make a great project. Some ideas for a project can be Christmas cards for family and friends, Christmas decorations, bird house, and toilet tissue tube evergreens. There are many craft ideas on the web than can give your child inspiration. Children ages 5 and 13 like working with arts and crafts. Most arts and crafts products can be purchased from your local Wal-Mart or other stores that sell supplies.

Enjoy planning these activities with your kids during the winter.

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