The Wisdom of Men is Foolishness to God

Let him who desires wisdom ask, and it shall be given to him. We have decided to pursue life without being in consultation with God. We have built huge structures, explored the universe, and studied God’s creation, of which we discredit, trying to come up with alternate explanations as to the evolution of the earth, and so on.

In our own wisdom, we have kicked God out of our lives, taking up pride in our achievements, forgetting that God was the chief engineer in our success. Increasing number of states have continued to alter the word of God, allowing strange behaviors considered sinful to its constitution, while maintaining the name of our Lord in those constitution. Atheist and non-believers have continued to talk against our Lord and savior while calling upon His name in times of crisis, how wise have we gotten.

Jesus Christ, while speaking to His disciples, said, “Without Me, you can do nothing”. Yet, we have struggled to get a lot of things done without Him. Churches too, are struggling to win souls, only to lose them as they forget one detail, and that is to pray for wisdom.

Man’s wisdom has led him to interpret the Bible wrongly, only to mislead people on issues regarding the second coming of Christ, setting up rupture dates that come and go. Many have ended up being physically as well as emotionally exploited and sexually abused for lack of wisdom. The Bible says many false prophets shall rise in the end times.

The world economy is crumbling under the weight of its debt, as by our own wisdom, we made costly decision that benefitted a few at the expense of the majority. We are electing leaders who care less about God, and the results are devastating.

We can do nothing without Christ. It’s time that we need to turn back to Christ and seek Him in everything we put ourselves to do, from the simplest of our duties to the most complex. It is of vital importance that we seek God at all times as individuals and collectively as a nation. Let it be that the statement “We are one nation under God” be true, that we do not remain strangers before God. By our own wisdom, we are destined to destruction, but with wisdom from God, then eternal life and favor is upon us.

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