The Dryness of Winter: Preventing and Treating Dry Hair, Lips and Skin

When winter comes, it comes with a lot of dry air. That dry air can cause a lot of problems such as chapped lips, dry skin and flaky hair. That cold, dry air can make you want to stay inside your home as much as you possibly can do to the embarrassment of dryness in your lips and skin. What can you do to prevent this from happening to you this winter? Here are some things you can to give you the confidence to still leave your home when the air is so dry and the weather is so cold.

Preventing/Treating dry hair due to the cold:
When you go out in the cold weather, you’ll find that your hair tends to frizz and when you come inside from the cold outdoors, you’re going from a cold climate to a warm heated area and it can just irritate and stress your hair even more. So, what can you do to help make sure you’re hair doesn’t get dry and damaged by the cold?

1. Use your styling tools less.
The heat in hair straighteners, blow dryers and curling irons can damage your hair no matter what the weather is outside. They aren’t good for your hair, but if you must use them, be sure that you use thermal hair treatment daily so your styling tools don’t just add on to the damage that the cold weather is causing.

2. Don’t wash your hair too much.
You may think that washing your hair will help, but when you wash your hair, you are washing out oils and nutrients that help to protect your hair. So instead of washing it everyday, take a day off from hair washing every now and then.

3. Damage repair shampoo & conditioner.
Almost every brand of shampoo makes shampoo and conditioner specifically for damaged and dry hair. Two in one shampoo and conditioners aren’t the best thing to use for damaged hair and they won’t help treating your dry hair.

4. Trim regularly.
It’s important to trim your hair often to rid your hair of split ends. It’s best to do this every one and a half months.

Preventing/Treating Chapped lips.
Your lips chap due to loss of moisture. In the winter, they lose their moisture do the dry air. Chapped lips are no picnic, it can be very painful and somewhat embarrassing.

1. Stay hydrated.
When the weather is bad, it’s very important for you to drink a lot of water. One cause of chapped lips is dehydration, so when it’s cold outside, drink more water than you normally would.

2. Lip balm.
There are many different lip balms out there and not all of them will work. Lip gloss is not chap stick, it’s very important that you keep that in mind. Keep your eye out for the chap sticks that lubricate your lips but they don’t help keep your lips moist and hydrated. You should use your lip balm many many times throughout the day.

3. Lip Licking.
Many people think that licking your lips will help keep them moisturized and hydrated, but it won’t help. This will only continue and prolong the chapping. It may be hard, but try to avoid licking your lips as much as you can.

Also: Don’t pick or bite at your lips. This will greatly make your lips worse.

Preventing/ Treating Dry Skin
There is very low humidity in the during the winter season, not just outside, but the heating in your house causes there to be low humidity inside as well. This can cause your skin to get very dry, along with the cold air and dry wind outside. So it’s very hard to not get dry skin in the winter.

1. Drink water.
This will keep your skin hydrated. You should drink about 10 glasses of water everyday.

2. Exercise.
Exercise is great for your entire body AND you’ll produce more sweat and increase the flow of your blood to your skin which will help your skin stay hydrated.

3. Humidifier.
This will help you in a few ways. It will help you breath easier and it will keep your skin moist.

4. Soap.
If your skin is dry, using a ordinary bar of soap will only make it worse. It’s best to use soaps that contain moisturizers.

5. Lotions.
You should use lotion after you have taken a shower or washed your hands. After you’ve gotten your skin wet, it will make the lotion more effective.

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