The Act of Filicide: Why is This Practice Becoming More Common in Today’s Society?

A mother’s job is to protect her children at all cost. It should never be about a guy that she is hung up on, or thinks she can’t live without. It should never be more about herself than about the well-being of the child. Lately, it seems to be a trend with mothers, with fathers, killing their children for whatever unjustified reason. Sometimes, they even kill themselves along with their children as if somehow, their souls are going to end up in the same hereafter. Their selfishness lives on in the many questions of why, but no answers can ever ease the pain of that lost.

A child is a gift; a gift that some very deserving women cannot physically share in. They are stuck standing on the outside looking in, waiting on the long list for a possible chance at adopting a child; sometimes even having to stroll overseas because the adoption process in other countries is far more accessible than our own. It’s the money, you see; the tons of money that is required to cut through the waiting lines, forcing those who don’t have the loot to wait, to linger, with the sad possibility of never having the chance to be a parent.

There are many children who end up being raised in the foster care system, never having a real family to call their own because for them, the older they get the harder it becomes to be adopted. I often wonder why it is that people take the coward’s way out. If they don’t want to be parents, then give their children to people who want to be parents and can provide a loving and safe place to call home.

You have the Casey Anthonys of the world, getting away with murder. One woman kills herself and her children by driving her car into the water; forcing the one child that could save himself to watch his other siblings die because he could not help them. Apparently, she did it to get back at her husband. I suppose she meant for him to suffer, when truly the one who will suffer the most is the one surviving child who ultimately has to live with the what-ifs for the rest of his life. There are two missing children in two different states, helpless to find their way home and all the while, their mothers playing the undeserving title of victims.

I know it seems clichéd to say that children are the future, but they are. When we’re gone, it will be their turn to lead, to continue on striving for the future of this planet. Children are dying unnecessary deaths at the hands of those who promised to love and protect them. How many more children have to go missing, have to die? We are supposed to be the greatest country in the world, why don’t we strive harder to protect the future of our children? What purpose do we serve, if not protectors of them?

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