Spiritual Common Sense!

You are a spirit of love and light energy, source energy, it is the profound energy which produced this ever so loving and forgiving world. We create our reality by either default or deliberately, through our thought patterns. When we desire something with passion, is will materialize in the way we think about it. As we think, we are. Sound familiar, well this phrase in time is found in the bible and noted to be one of Jesus sacred teachings. But, what more is stressed is our relationship and harmony to life in general. For example: The relationship we have with the food we eat. Most people think negatively about the food they eat while they are eating it. This type of thought pattern causes you trouble in your digestive system.

There is an inner spiritual being inside of you that I call your inner spirit. When your inner spirit reads your negative thoughts, no matter if it is about your food or not, is causes you to have digestive issues. Your stomach starts to create what feels like knots inside and until you get your mind flowing toward positive thoughts, you will have continue to have problems. This is what many people can eat whatever they want, being they are more positive, while others seem to think their metabolism isn’t working correctly. If there was a specific design of foods to help one lose weight, someone would have figured it out by now. Think about your relationship will all the things in your life and ask yourself how you feel about or perceive it to be. Then see if your think correlates with the experience you have with it.

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