Rest in Peace Trula

Yesterday I learned that my dear Yahoo Word Racer and Facebook friend Trula Hodge passed from this earth. It was unexpected and shocking news. She was only fifty four and always full of good spirited encouragement and ready to share wise words. We’d had many deep conversations when alone in the Word Racer chat rooms and I will miss her dearly. My heart goes out to her family and friends world wide as they grieve the loss of this dear woman.

Haiku Celebrating Trula’s Loving Kindness

Precious Trula Hodge
Left a legacy of love
In our hearts and souls.

Rest in Peace Trula: A Haiku

Only fifty four
Alive in body no more
Rest in peace Trula.

My deepest sympathies go out to those grieving the loss of dear Trula. I hope Trula enjoys this little tribute. You’re loved and sorely missed dear Trula. Your gifts of wisdom, kindness and love will live on in the hearts and minds of those who know you.

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