Population Tops 7 Billion

COMMENTARY | The world’s population is estimated to have hit 7 billion. This is partially due to individuals living longer, having more children and a decrease in infant mortality rates. Some people are living in nations that cannot provide enough food or electricity for citizens. With resources already stretched thin and the population expected to hit 10 billion in 2083, something needs to be done to help stymie the population increase or resource consumption.

One idea is for countries to set limits on the number of children men and women can have. China has had population controls in place over its citizens since not long after the Communist regime gained power. Though there are exceptions, generally, each couple is allowed to have one child. There are variances available that allow for a second child, however. If a family has additional children without applying in advance, there are fines and taxes that will be levied against the family. There are several incentives offered from the government to those who only have one child, including free birth control. The state does keep track of women and provide testing every few months to ensure that they are not pregnant. One troubling trend that has emerged is that couples will use almost any means necessary to ensure that the one child is male. This has led to an unequal ratio of men and women.

Population control would never be accepted in most countries without the rule of a strict totalitarian leader. Right now, this kind of forced family planning would be highly unconstitutional in the United States. Education about the impact of people on the planet may be a better route.

Another problem with trying to control the population, either their reproduction or resource consumption, is that no matter what is chosen, it will be difficult to enforce it on a global level. Also, different approaches may work better for different nations. The UN, and any of its major Security Council members, would have trouble enforcing any global policy without a major war. While a major war may help lower the population, it is not a realistic or desirable outcome.

The best policy may be to just keep trying to educate everyone. Teach young adults about the impact overpopulation has on the world, and what can be done to conserve resources. Provide stronger economic incentives for individuals and corporations to explore alternative energy and manufacturing systems. If the United States wanted to limit the population, one way to do so would be to end tax breaks for families. While none of this would force people to not have children or consume resources, it may make people choose to not have children and consume resources.

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