Head Lice Don’t Stay in Vegas

They say that whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Apparently not their head lice.

When I was 10 my parents decided on a nice 4 day weekend in Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. We had the whole trip planned out. My parents had found some kid friendly entertainment that my brother and I were going to enjoy and the shows they were going to see. To top it off my best friend Melissa’s family had also decided to tag along.

The first three days were great. I won more stuffed animals than I could carry. My dad won $1000 at the casino which he used to treat us to a nice dinner. The Grand Canyon was an amazing site to see. Day 4 was when the horror story started. As we were packing up all I noticed was that I was extremely itchy. My mom thought it was just dry skin so we brushed it aside and continued packing.

Three days later was when we found out the itching was caused by head lice. Not only did I have it but so did my brother, my mom, Melissa, and Melissa’s mom. Our dads are bald so they got lucky. Anyone who has had head lice knows, it’s not killing them that’s difficult, it’s containing them. We had to quickly get our pictures developed just to find what clothes we had brought with us on the trip (This was before digital cameras). We practically had to by new bed sheets and fumigate the house. Luckily the car was easy; we just let it sit in the hot sun for a few hours.

We wrote a letter to the hotel explaining what had happened and if they could please clean their rooms more thoroughly, the hotel never responded not even with a letter of apology.

Last I checked, that hotel is now under new management and has a different name. Good Riddance for a dirty hotel.

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