Don’t Let the Tropical Storm Dampen Your Party Plans

If you’re in one of the areas of the United States getting hit by Tropical Storm Lee or Katia, or any other late summer rainy weather, don’t let it ruin your celebration of the summer wind down. Turn a negative into a positive with these tips for an indoor party this Labor Day weekend, and you’ll be sure to see a lot of smiles.


Use your stereo, and play some happy songs about the rain. There are enough out there for an entire day of rain songs. How about Milli Vanilli’s, “Blame It On The Rain,” or Creedence Clearwater Revival, “Have You Ever Seen The Rain?” You get the picture. Have fun with it!


Hopefully most of us know that it is never safe to barbecue on an outdoor grill indoors; however, there are still ways to enjoy tasty barbecue inside. If you don’t have one, consider buying an electric grill. Electric grills are a great way to get the distinct barbecue flavor while cooking indoors, and they are also much better at cooking things evenly.

If you don’t want to go to the expense of purchasing an electric grill, you can still cook your steaks, hamburgers or hot dogs on a conventional oven. Corn-on-the-cob is a perfect side dish that works just as well on the stove.

If you had planned on roasting marshmallows on an open fire, don’t despair, you can still roast your marshmallows inside. It might not be as pretty, but a great way to do it is over a light bulb. Use at least a 100 watt bulb, put your marshmallow on the end of a fork and slowly rotate it close to the bulb. Yummy!


Scavenger hunts are always a good time, indoors or out. An elaborate game can be made up with clues or riddles for adults, or for kids create a simple game and make a list of items that will make them laugh. Think outside the box, like finding a pair of dirty socks or a photo that someone in the family thinks is really bad.

You could even turn the music about rain into a fun game. See how many songs your guests can think of that are about rain? How many do you have in your collection?

Freeze dance is a game that’s great for both kids and adults. Turn the music on, when it stops, everyone must freeze. Anyone who moves is out. Continue to play until one person is left standing.

Use the rain as an opportunity to be a kid again, with the tough times the world is in we all need to bring the child in us out as often as we can.

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