DIY Lice Management

Here are three natural remedies for getting rid of lice. These are alternatives to the expensive store bought medications. Also by going natural you can avoid any harmful toxins that the store bought prescriptions may contain.


Put mayonnaise on your hair. Cover your hair with plastic, plastic wrap works really well. Let sit for three hours. Then wash thoroughly with your favorite shampoo. Comb to remove lice.

Vinegar Wrap

Soak a towel with equal parts vinegar and water. Wrap your hair in the towel and let sit for one hour. Wash hair like normal and comb to remove died lice.


These types of oil work the best: olive oil, vegetable oil, and canola oil. Thoroughly soak your hair in the oil and then cover with a shower cap. This keeps the oil from leaking all over. Let stand for two to three hours. Comb out the lice and then wash your hair.

Instead of getting rid of lice with toxic shampoos, which could harm your children, try one of these natural treatments. These remedies do not contain any harmful substances. Best of all you most likely already have them in your house and can get rid of the lice immediately.


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