Chris Brown is Having a Baby

Media Take Out broke the news that Chris Brown’s girlfriend Karrauche is two months pregnant. Until this is confirmed by one of the parents, I am going to consider it as a rumor. However, I feel the need to share my opinion on EVERYTHING and this happens to be something. According to the snitch who brought this story to MTO, The couple had been trying to have a child for a while so they are excited about this news. Let me take a pause for a moment and comment on these snitches. Whenever someone brings news to one of these gossip sites and are considered to be a credible source, it is due to their relationship to one of the involved parties. In this situation, the person to bring the story is considered a close friend of Karrauche. I would really like to know how much money these people are getting paid to snitch on their ‘close friends’. If someone trusts you with personal and sensitive information such as their pregnancy, why would you run to a gossip site with it? Wouldn’t you respect their privacy and leave them to share the joyous moment themselves? Of course we (I am including myself here) would like to know what’s going on in these people’s lives at every breathing second but it’s really not any of our business. To be someone trusted with such information and to betray that trust? That’s really disturbing to me. These people need to have better friends!

Moving on. I’m not clear on my feelings on Chris Brown at this moment. I’m not sure if he has learned and grown from his experience with Rihanna because his attitude and actions afterwards did not display that he has learned anything. It’s easy to be sweet and loving to someone that does not challenge you. If Karrauche has a quiet personality, it’s understandable that she would not bring out that darker side of him. Babies, however, crave a lot of attention and sometimes they do random, crazy things to get that attention. If he has not dealt with his demons, there is no way that he is prepared to be a father. That’s not something that I can judge because I do not know him but I truly hope that for the baby’s sake, he is a more grown up version of himself. If this news is true, I wish them the best of luck and hope that they have a beautiful, healthy baby. Babies are the most precious gifts anyone could receive so I hope they cherish the future star.

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